  • 學位論文


Numerical Analysis of the Indoor Pollutants Removal in an Air-Conditioning Enclosure

指導教授 : 林誠興






Indoor space has become the main activity area for human being. Other than various gas pollutants, indoor air usually accompany to some extent of suspended particles, which spread out all around through convection or diffusion. The aerosols not only down-grade the indoor air quality but also make people sick sometimes. Therefore, air-conditioning plays an important role for the indoor ventilation and removal of pollutants. The pattern of indoor airflow is quite complicated, including three types of convection─natural, force, and possibly mixed convection. The flow field structures of the simulated indoor ventilation section could be local laminar and/or local turbulent. Furthermore, there exists obstacle (or partition) inside ventilation sections. The main focus of this thesis is to utilize numerical simulation method for analyzing the structure of limited section flow field. A well-known CFD code─PHEONICS is utilized to construct the simulation models. The effects of important parameters, including the locations of inlet, outlet, air speed, wall temperature, the location of pollution source, and others on the indoor air quality and the efficiency of the pollutants removal are investigated.


Air-Conditioning Enclosure


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