  • 學位論文


The Study of the Optimal Parameter Setting to Capacitor Multi-Function Test Machine(M3300) by Using Taguchi Method

指導教授 : 陳啟光 博士


提昇積層陶瓷電容器電性檢驗良率之研究 --以田口方法進行篩選設備參數設定最佳化 學生:吳俊義 指導教授:陳啟光 博士 元智大學工業工程與管理研究所 摘要 本研究以田口品質工程的理論配合實驗設計的方法,應用於被動元件之積層陶瓷電容器電氣特性檢驗,嘗試找出電容多功能篩選機(M3300)最佳篩選參數的設定,來降低陶瓷電容隱藏的內裂缺陷,提昇產品品質。研究中與美商E.S.I公司的設備工程師進行討論,依據專業的判斷、實務經驗、業界的做法,並經腦力激盪結果,選取可能影響篩選品質的7個控制因子:Flash Voltage、FLsoak Time、Decision Current、Ramp Current、Applied Voltage IRsoak Time、Lower Limit,每一個因子除因子A配以二水準外 ,其餘則配以三個水準,另外由於認定機台間存在些許的差異性,且人員對於料的安排是隨機性,為使實驗結果具穩健性(Robustness),實驗設計時將機台別視為外部雜音因子,並依介電材質別區分為NPO,X7R,Y5V,Z5U四類產品來進行實驗。 本研究主要在探討7個控制因子之主效用(Main Effect) ,故選用L18(21X37)直交表來配置實驗探討機台參數條件與產品內裂缺陷數的關係,根據S/N 比值的的結果,訂定最佳因子組合,來改進目前公司所使用之篩選參數,以期電性檢驗設備能發揮最大效能,達到提昇產品電性檢驗後良率的目的。研究結果顯示,電容多功能篩選機並無法百分之百有效篩除內裂缺陷不良品,應用田口方法於機台篩選參數設定可將產品出廠品質由667PPM提升至167PPM,報廢率由8.10%降低至5.74%,估計每年報廢成本可減少150萬元。


The Study of the Optimal Parameters Setting to Capacitor Multi-Function Test Machine ( M3300 ) by Using Taguchi Method Student:Chun-I Wu dvisor:Dr.Chi-Kuang Chen Institute of Industrial Engineering & Management Yuan-Ze University ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to examine the parameter setting to capacitor multi-function test machine(M3300) by using Taguchi method. Cracking inside the multilayer ceramic capacitor of passive component is always the major concern to the quality of this product. In this study, it is intended to explore the main effect of 7 control factors and propose an experimental design for the processes of inspection to improve the detection rate and to reduce the scrap cost . To these purposes, L18(21x36) orthogonal table and S/N ratio are used to find out the optimal parameters set in M3300. The results show that M3300 cann’t effectively detect out cracking inside the multilayer ceramic capacitor, the parameters derived from this study do improve acceptable quality level (AQL) from 667 PPM to 167 PPM , the scrap rate from 8.10% to 5.74%, and annul scrap cost down NT $150,000. Keywords:Taguchi Method,Multiplayer Ceramic Capacitor,S/N ratio


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