  • 學位論文


Reserch of Effects the Introduction of ISO14000 Environmental Management System on Operation and Management A Case Study for PCB Industry

指導教授 : 鄭春生 博士


導入lSO14000環境管理系統對經營管理影響之研究 以印刷電路板業為例 研究生:徐啟勝 指導教授:鄭春生 博士 元智大學 工業工程與管理研究所 摘 要 近幾年來,由於全球科技的高度發展,在高經濟成長之餘,更多的環境污染問題接踵而來。有鑑於此,國際標準組織(簡稱ISO)遂於1996年公佈以組織評估為主的ISO14000環境管理系統,促使全球企業在追求經濟成長的同時,亦需兼顧到保護環境之責任。我國對國際貿易之依存度相當高,尤應密切注意國際潮流之發展並加以因應配合。 本研究藉由相關文獻,探討導入環境管理系統的程序、環境政策與系統規劃以及印刷電路板業發展概況。然後以台灣目前的印刷電路板(PCB)相關製造商為研究對象,蒐集有關資訊,了解印刷電路板製程與廢棄物其性質分析,針對已通過ISO14000認證印刷電路板產業,利用問卷調查方式蒐集相關資料以了解印刷電路板業推行ISO14001現況,並運用統計工具進行量化資料分析。本研究主要目的是經由問卷分析結果來探討:(1)推行ISO14000驗證動機;(2)推行ISO14000驗證成功關鍵;(3)推行ISO14000驗證對PCB業經營管理(產、銷、人、發、財與行政總務管理)之影響。 最後綜合研究結果,提出以下結論:(1)動機面:外在壓力部份以因應客戶的要求及為順應世界的環保趨勢與國際合約的需求;內在誘因部份以延續ISO9000的推動及推行環保績效為最顯著;(2)成功關鍵因素:高階主管的承諾與支持、選擇良好的輔導單位、PDCA持續改善過程、全體員工具有建立環境管理系統之共識與支持、具有健全之環境管理系統與推動組織;(3)經營影響面:行政總務管理達到滿足顧客、員工、供應商及社會環保品質要求;生產管理達到減廢管理制度化及重新設計製程組合以降低危險性;行銷管理達到符合國際環保要求,有利外貿拓展;人資管理達到優良的工作環境與保障員工身心健康及工作安全;技術研發管理達到廢棄物資源化;財務管理達到工業減廢、降低環保處理成本等影響。以提供印刷電路板業經營管理者之參考,同時能提供給欲推動ISO14000環境管理系統之印刷電路板產業,在導入ISO14000環境管理系統時有所助益,並將此研究作出結論及後續研究之建議。 關鍵詞:ISO 14000、印刷電路板業、經營管理、環境管理


Research of Effects the Introduction of lSO14000 Environmental Management System on Operation and Management A Case Study for PCB Industry Graduate Student: Chi-Sheng Hsu Advisor: Dr. Chuen-Sheng Cheng Institute of Industrial Management Engineering YUAN-ZE University Abstract The changes now taking place around the global environment are the most radical in decades. The greatest challenge faced by today''s enterprise is how to protect the environment while pursuing economic growth. Since Taiwan has a great dependence on international trade, the enterprise should pay more attention to the development of international trend and try to abide by related regulations. This research presents a study of the adoption of ISO14000 Environment Management System in Taiwan PCB industry. The framework based on literature review and enterprise research. These are then tested using a questionnaire concerned with the Taiwan PCB enterprises who adopt of ISO14000 Environment Management System techniques. The main purposes of this research is to prove effective evens of following issues: 1.Motivation of obtaining ISO14000 certification. 2.The accessibility of adopters and non-adopters of obtain ISO14000 certification . 3.Effects of executing ISO14000 certification on the operation and management of PCB industry (including production, sales, personnel, development, finance and general affairs). The results are analyzed using waste and statistical techniques. From the results a number of interesting implications have been highlighted for PCB industry as follow: 1.The enterprises who may be motivated, willing and able to adopting ISO 14000 certification depend upon requirement from customer and attitude of leadership. 2.Adopting of ISO14000 certification will help continuing improvement of organization and built up sound management environment. 3.The PCB industry faces an enormous opportunity, but it will need to work in new ways if it is to exploit that opportunity. Through ISO14000 Environment Management System enhance the strength of supply chain of enterprise and aim at Total Quality Management. The impact of adopting ISO14000 Environment Management System on PCB industry is already considerable, and is still expanding. The results of this study may have important implications for Taiwan''s PCB enterprises who want to adopt ISO 14000 Environment Management System. The suggestions will also be the conclusion of this research and the reference for follow-up studies. Key words: ISO14000, PCB industry, Operation & Management, Environment Management


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