  • 學位論文


Ethylene Oxide Removal from Wastewater for Reuse

指導教授 : 吳和生


本研究的主旨在測試氣提法與吸附法去除環氧乙烷(Ethylene Oxide,EO) 的能力,以解決EO 的污染問題。工廠現場操作異常時, EO常大量出現在 其廢水中,由於EO是一種強殺菌劑,會造成微生物大量死亡,因而導致處 理效果大幅滑落,為防止這種問題的發生,將EO從廢水中先行去除是必要 的。為解決此問題,本研究在衡量 EO的物理和化學性質之後,擬採用氣 提法及吸附劑吸附法進行處理,並在實驗室進行一系列實驗以比較這兩種 方法去除EO的能力,從而挑選其中一種較好的方法以作為設計大型 EO去 除設備的依據。同時選擇一適當方法將氣提後之氣體進行再處理,使其符 合環保法規之規定。 在實驗上分別以吸附法、氣提法進行實驗: 1. 在吸附法方面,以數種吸附劑XAD-4 、XAD-7、 XAD-8 、XAD-16吸附 環氧乙烷,進行恆溫批次吸附,其中以樹脂XAD-16之吸附效果最好, 每克吸附量在10℃時加入1g之XAD-16之吸附量為12.3mg/g,但仍達不 到所需要之濃度標準,因此在本研究上仍以氣提法為主。 2. 在氣提法上分別以半批次式及連續式填充塔設備對氣提溫度、空氣流 量、有無填充物等變因進行實驗。在同溫下,空氣流速愈高,氣提效 果愈好,但其後續氣體吸收處理上較為困難。在加入拉西環後,氣提 效果增加。 3. 由半批次式氣提實驗數據計算所得之液膜質傳係數kL*與氣膜質傳係數 kL*可約略估計在實際操作時塔內的質傳現象,做為設計氣提脫附水相 中環氧乙烷塔槽時一參考數值。 4. 在吸收塔吸收實驗上加入酸劑是為了加快吸收速率,增加吸收的效果 ,所以很明顯的在較高的酸液濃度時,其吸收效果也較好,相同的條 件下H2SO4溶液的吸收效果略高於HCl溶液,同樣的溫度越高有越高的 吸收能力,在單價上兩者相去不遠,因此在選擇此兩種吸收劑時在經 濟考量上並沒有很大的差異。 5. 氣提後之氣體處理,則分別以各種吸收液進行吸收氣體中的環氧乙烷 ,如以500 mL 1 M HCl 水溶液在溫度為70OC 下進行吸收實驗時,其 結果經計算後發現能有效吸收約10 g的環氧乙烷。


環氧乙烷 乙二醇 氣提法 吸附法


The sorption behaviors of ethylene oxide (EO) in wastewater using the adsorption and stripping methods were stadied. Because EO in wastewater appear a lot when the factory operate abnormally, microorganism dies instantly and the capability of wastewater treatment decreases. Hence, removing EO from wastewater is necessary.The subject of this research is to stady the physical and chemical properties of EO in wastewater, and mass transfer and equilibrium of EO between wastewater and air using the adsorption and stripping method. 1. In adsorption, the removal of EO was measured by four adsorbents (XAD4,XAD7,XAD8,XAD16). The sequence of the removal of EO for adsorbents was XAD16>XAD4>XAD8>XAD7. The removal capability of EO for XAD16 is 12.3mg/g XAD16 at 10℃. This result is not good. 2. In stripping method, two operating type, semi-batch and continuous packed bed, were conducted in this work. Temperature, airflow, and packed material were evaluated to obtain the optimum sorption condition. The high airflow rate and the high temperature were favorable to increase the stripping efficiency. 3. According to experimental result, the liquid mass-transfer coefficient KL* and gas mass-transfer coefficient KG* in a aqueous/air semi-batch stripping experiment were calculated. These parameters can offer to scare up the removing process of EO by stripping method. 4. In general, acidity agent added this removing system can increase the absorption and the absorption efficient in a stripping tower. The high concentration of acidity agent is of high absorption efficient. H2SO4 and HCl which cheap were carried out in this work to test the absorption of EO. The absorption capability of EO for H2SO4 and HCl was high. However, the absorption capability of EO for H2SO4 was better than that for HCl. 5. We used several absorbed liquid to absorb the EO in the wastegas treatment 500mL 1M HCl(aq)to remove EO from the wastegas. By counting the experiment data, we find 500mL 1M HCl(aq)can absorb about 10g EO at 70℃.


ethylene oxide ethylene glycol stripping sorption


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