  • 學位論文


Concept map analysis using Kelly''''s grid for senior high school mathematics

指導教授 : 劉寶鈞 劉晨鐘


凱利方格技術一般應用在取得被研究者的深層理念,概念圖是近期內廣泛的被應用在教學與學習策略的知識測量上,在學習科技的研究範疇中,這兩大領域頗受學者的重視。本研究嘗試透過凱利方格技術來了解學習者的構念,包含構念的作用方式、構念間的關聯,以及組成構念的方法等資訊;修改過去傳統概念圖的繪製方式,結合電腦記錄學習者在網路學習過程所建立之凱利方格來自動建立學生概念圖。期望透過概念圖結構化的呈現,讓學習者更能掌握自己的知識結構,並透過概念比對機制讓學生透過網路活動來組織自己的知識結構,系統再運用其知識結構來輔助學生探究學習。 本研究樣本以45名光啟高中二年級學生為對象,以數學學科中「平面座標系」的相關概念為教材,探討概念圖的學習對高職學生學習平面座標系課程相關知識的影響?其中30位學生為實驗組,接受概念圖學習系統的學習策略;15名學生為控制組,即未接受實驗處理。實驗結果發現,學生在學習前後,成績確實有明顯的提昇,而且實驗組的改變更為顯著(t=4.911 顯著性=0.000);在後測與概念的相關度分析亦達顯著水準(0.003)。由此顯示,概念圖學習系統對學習確實有相當程度的助益。


Repertory Grid Technique(RGT) is application in acquire deeper and further personal cognition and Concept mapping has been used in many subject domains as a useful strategy for learning and instruction.. In this study we combined Repertory Grid Technique(RGT) and concept mapping to build a concept mapping based learning and Assessment system. In this research, the second-grade students of Paul Shu Senior high school were chosen as experiment subjects. This research was focused on learning achievements by Concept mapping, which were measured by Horizontal Coordinate System. Thirty students was the experiment group ,they were asked to learning the topic of ‘Horizontal Coordinate System ‘ in mathematic through the Concept mapping learning system and the other fifteen students was control group. The results indicated : 1. Experimental group had higher learning achievement than control group, there was significant difference between pre-test score and post-test score in experiment group 2. Both C and N-G indices were significant correlation with the achievement scores. According to above conclusions, Concept mapping learning system can get better quality and effectiveness in leaning achievement.


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