  • 學位論文


On Semantic Measures of Fuzzy Data in Fuzzy Relational Databases

指導教授 : 龐金宗 劉俞志


關聯式資料庫是透過語意關係(semantic relationship)來描述資料的功能相依(Functional Dependency),而功能相依即是達成資料正規化的主要依據。在模糊關聯式資料庫(Fuzzy Relational Databases)中,資料的模糊型態可針對不同的模糊型式(fuzzy relation data models)來探討模糊資料間的語意關係。 本論文以擴展可能性為主的關聯模型(Extended Possibility-Based Relational Model)作為研究的型式。由於其中資料的模糊形式同時涉及模糊關聯中之屬性值(attributes values)及近似關聯(proximity relation)中屬性值域元素(domain elements)。故針對可能性分佈(possibility distribution)之模糊資料,提出一方法去測量關聯式模糊資料語意。此外,亦探討模糊資料在語意近似(Semantic Proximity)上的基本特質,驗証計算方法的正確性及合理性,同時導出模糊功能相依(Fuzzy Functional dependency)的相關定理。 最後,實作於「模糊資料相似度之分析」雛型系統,藉由評審者給予評估者的模糊值,計算出模糊資料的語意近似之測量值,作為評估者在相似度上的判斷依據。


Function Depenendcy stands on the semantic relationship on relational database, and the basis to the normalized of data. The research on assessing data semantic relationship between fuzzy data in fuzzy relational databases has been undertaken with respect to various fuzzy models recently. This paper proposes an approach for evaluating semantic relationship between fuzzy data in relational databases, where the fuzziness of data is modeled in both attribute values and attribute domain elements. Particularly, the attribute values are presented by a possibility distribution, and are applied on attribute domain elements. Otherwise, the properties of fuzzy data with Semantic Proximxity are also included, where the correctness and soundness are proved that inferring to the relative theorem of Fuzzy Functional Dependency(FFD). Finally, it is supposed to implement the prototype system of " the analysis of Fuzzy Data similarity " and to calculate Semantic Proximity to determined the similarity.


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