  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 余子隆 林秀麗


聚二丙烯基-二甲基氯化銨(PDADMAC)為帶正電荷的聚合物可溶於水,是都市及工業廢水處理常用的陽離子凝集劑。本論文乃研究數種不同分子量的聚二丙烯基-二甲基氯化銨在稀釋水溶液中的分子形態。主要儀器為靜態光散射儀及動態光散射。利用靜態光散射(SLS)及微差折射儀,測定不同濃度的PDADMAC樣品在水溶液中的微差折射率(dn/dc, differential refractive index),去極化率(ρv, depolarization ration),二維里係數(A2, second virial coefficient),環動半徑(RG, radius of gyration)及重量平均分子量(MW, weight average molecular weight)。利用動態光散儀(DLS)求得聚合體在稀釋溶液中的傳動滲透係數Dt (translational diffusion coefficient),進而計算其Rh (hydrodynamic radius)分佈。使用的樣品共九個,其中六個樣品是化工所提供,三個樣品是購自Aldrich Chemical Co.,根據NMR分析二者有略微不同化學結構,因此他們在水溶液中表現的分子形態亦略有不同。


Poly(dially dimethyl ammonium chloride) (PDADMAC) is an important cationic polyelectrolyte, usually used in waste water treatment. The dependence of molecular chain conformation on molecular weight for PDADMAC in dilute water solutions was studied using static and dynamic light scatter (SLS and DLS). SLS measurement gives the information of weight average molecular weight (Mw), second virial coefficient (A2), radius of gyration (RG), depolarization ration (ρv) and differential refractive index (dn/dc). DLS measurement gives the information of hydrodynamic radius (Rh). Based on the experiment data, the variation of chain conformation with polymer molecular weight was discussed. Nine PDADMAC samples were used in this study, six were from Union Chemical Laboratory and three were from Aldrich Chemical Co.




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