  • 學位論文


The Case Analysis oof Protection Consumer Interests in Tao Yuan County

指導教授 : 紀俊臣 博士 李伯謙 博士


「防患消費爭議於未然,重於解決消費爭議於已然」,目前雖已有消費者保護法等法令及其他相關政策之配合執行,亦提供相當多的消費爭議救濟管道,然消費者權益受損情形仍然相當普遍,這可從近幾年來全國消費爭議事件不斷攀升(九十二年全國受理申訴、調解案件將近一萬三千件)可見端倪。 消費者權益受損之後的處理,都只是補救治療的工作,是一種消極的治標行為,重要的是消費者在消費之前的免於權益受損之預防、教育工作,讓糾紛發生減到最少,才能使問題的處理單純化。 本研究採內容分析法(content analysis),除蒐集全國受理消費爭議事件(申訴及調解)之類型統計資料進行研究外,並彙整桃園縣九十二年受理之消費爭議事件分商品類及服務類,依第一次申訴、第二次申訴(消保官申訴)及消費爭議調解案件之不同處理程序與救濟方式加以分析,樣本數合計約一千四百九十件,運用經手保管之檔案文卷所得到的資料進行研究。再輔以個案研究方法,對重大消費爭議事件(即受害人數超過二十人以上),加以分析,以提供實務應用之參考。並藉由該縣消費者權益保護事件之態樣及救濟方式與成效分析,予以檢討改進現行消費者權益保護之政策及法制,有效推動並落實執行消費者保護工作,以保障消費者權益,增進國民消費生活安全,提昇國民消費生活品質。 最後,本研究建議籌設行政法人「消費生活中心」,增訂預付型交易之規範(新型消費型態),建立事故原因鑑定機制,建立消費仲裁機制,強化消費者保護官之行政調查權,縮減消費申訴流程,設置消保專責人力,研發消費申訴及調解作業系統等方面,以健全消費者保護法制,並落實執行消費者保護事項。


Preventing conmuser disputes in advance is better than resloving them afterwords. Despite the enforcement of consumer protection lwas, coordination on relevant policies currently, and a large number of assistances for consumer disputes provided, the increasing cases of consumer disputes of all nation have revealed serious conditions of damaging interests are still prevalent The handling of the damages of consumer interests is nothing but a remedy, a passive action taken. More importantly, it is the job of preventing consumer rights from being damaged and educating the public awareness in advance to let the disputes minimized so that the problems can be simplified that counts. This research adpots content analysis including not only data relating to the cases of consumer litigation but also the handling cases of consumer disputes classified as goods and services from Tao Yuan County in 2002. Based on their first petition, second petition, and the different procedures of handling consumer disputes and mediation, approximately 1490 cases are studied and analysed here Coupled with case study, multiple serious cases of consumer disputes (damages of 20 or more consumer rights) are analyzed for referring to practical matters. By means of the sample cases of consumer protection and the assistance and effective analysis provided in this county, the measures and laws of current consumer protection rights are to be reviewed and improved to promote and do the job of protecting the interests of consumers to ensure the consumer rights, to promote the security of spending for all citizens, and to elevate the living quality of consumers' spending. Finally, "Consumer Living Center" is proposed by this research to implement the codes of prepayment in transactions (new trend of consumer spending), set up accident appraisal system and consumer mediation to enhance the rights of investigation for consumer ombudsman, simplify the consumer petition procedures, set up manpower for consumer ombudsman, and research the system and procedures of consumer protection and mediation to enforce consumer protection laws and, thus, to fully execute the rights of protecting consumer interests.






劉鑌潁(2014)。論我國消費者保護行政組織之改革與建議 -以台日消費者保護行政組織為比較-〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400805
