  • 學位論文


Cross-strait Industrial village analysis-with leather industry as model

指導教授 : 曾 盛 恕


摘 要 台灣皮革工業最主要的原料為牛皮及豬皮,由於天然環境的限制,而無法發展畜牧事業,皮革工業所需的原料–牛皮幾乎完全依賴進口;而在豬皮方面,雖然台灣的養豬事業非常發達,生產的豬肉除了供應內需市場之外,在88~89年間口蹄疫流行之前尚足以大量供應外銷,照理而言生豬皮原料應該不虞缺乏,但是由於國人消費習慣難以改變,喜食溫體豬肉,以致大部分的生豬皮皆附著在豬肉上面在市場上出售,因而失去了當製革原料的利用價值,所以台灣製革工業所需的生豬皮原料亦需仰賴進口。 既缺乏天然的製革原料,生皮所產製的皮革製品內銷市場的規模又甚小必須大量仰賴外銷。近年來,皮革工業上、下游皮革製品工廠大量外移至東南亞各國及中國大陸等工資低廉的國家,其所需要的皮料由仰賴台灣的製革廠供應到大陸開廠生產提供,而目前投資額及所佔範圍日益龐大,對大陸皮革產業聚落亦產生影響。 本研究將經由文獻探討,與對兩岸皮革廠商發問卷及訪談後的結果,利用T檢定來分析探討傳統產業-皮革產業,針對兩岸皮革產業在產業群聚的現況作一研究分析,藉以了解皮革產業在台灣、大陸產業群聚的優勢。本論文的研究以Porter的鑽石理論為基礎,針對其四項因素進行兩岸皮革產業之產業群聚分析,得知企業競爭與策略和相關及支援產業二項因素會影響兩案產業群聚之效應,在這二項因素中於台灣的皮革產業現狀是持續在惡化,而大陸的皮革產業現況則是持續在改善當中。在生產因素及需求條件兩要素的檢定結果不顯著,代表兩岸皮革產業在這兩方面沒有顯著的差異。


ABSTRACT The main resource of Taiwan Leather Industry is raw cow hide and pig skin. Due to the limitations of open land, the local people are unable to raise and expand the cattle industry. Hence, the main raw-material of leather industry- raw cow hides, are dependent on imports from other countries; whereas in pig skin, the pig raising industry is considered prosperous in Taiwan. Apart from supplying to the domestic markets to meet their needs, the produced pork was sufficient for exports in great volume, except during the outbreak of foot and mouth disease between 1999 and 2000. According to this fact, pig skin should be abundant in Taiwan but owing to the culture of local people, it is very difficult to change the consumption habit of Taiwanese that they like to eat freshly-slaughtered pork so that most of the raw pig skin are still attached to the pork and sold in the market. In this way, the pigskin loses its value for leather manufacturing. Hence, the supply of pig skin to the leather industry in Taiwan also has to rely on imports. As mentioned above, there is a lack of raw material for tanning industry and the size of domestic market of leather goods manufactured by raw cattle hide is so small that the products have to reply enormously on export. Despite these circumstances, the tanning industry has been standing firmly in Taiwan firmly for several decades and withholds an outstanding position in the world. In the recent years, many of the factories of finished leather product in the leather industry of Taiwan in the downstream have been migrated to Southeastern Asian countries and the Mainland China where the labor cost is relatively low but the finished leather that these factories currently need still has to rely on the supply by the tanneries in Taiwan. However at present, the vast growth and huge investment of Taiwan tanneries have become influential to the tannery cluster in China. This thesis will be based on past documents and the interviews held around the world, along with the application of Mr. Porter’s Diamond model theory to continue further analysis and research to investigate the traditional industry- leather industry. This research is directed towards leather industry to proceeds further analysis and discussion about the influence of the entry of Multinational Corporation into China’s market, how it affects the industrial village and what kind of benefit does it propose to businesses in Taiwan.


3. 經濟部國際貿易局網頁 www.moeaboft.gov.tw
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