  • 學位論文


The strategy study of business transformation on small-scale telecom equipment manufacturing industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 尤克強


80年代各國相繼推動電信產業的改革與開放,我國也展開電信自由化的行動,以中華電信為主要客戶的電信設備製造業者首當其衝,面臨了極為嚴酷的考驗,為了求生存紛紛展開轉型的努力。有線傳輸設備製造業是少數根植本土的電信設備製造業,技術門檻高也較為複雜,過去的產業環境及寡佔的經營型態,使這些公司的規模都不大,面對自由化及國際化的能力相對也較弱,因此觀察這個產業能否成功轉型,意味著電信設備製造業能否繼用戶端設備及網路接取設備之後,成功踏上國際舞台,這是激發本研究的動機。 本論文為一個案研究,其方式為收集國內外相關之文獻理論,並對應至個案公司之轉型過程,作有系統的比較分析與整理,發展出有效的結論與建議,期能提供本產業轉型的參考。本研究發現,小型電信設備製造業受限於資源少投資大,轉型策略必須配合有效的資源管理,多角化經營在轉型過程中容易造成資源分散,影響轉型的步伐。其次,分析個案公司的業績結構,可以發現最近二年OEM/ODM的比重快速增加,顯示其由自有品牌轉型為OEM/ODM代工服務的方向頗為明顯,本產業能否如用戶端設備及網路接取設備,與國際大廠建立起國際分工的架構,值得後續研究者持續觀察。


The US telecom industry has been entering a competitive era since 1980’s; meanwhile, it triggered the liberalization and revolution of the global telecom. Sequentially, many countries like Taiwan started to liberate the telecom industry for free competition. With this change, the most impact was to those equipment manufacturers they used to replied on Chunghwa telecom as a supplier role. As being confront with the rigorous challenge, they made all the efforts to transit themselves to become more valuable and competitive for their sustainability. Those wire transmission devices manufacturers are rare minorities rooted in the field of telecom industry and their manufacturing scale is not big because of the realities of higher entry threshold with complicated technology and the localism and oligopoly business with mono-state-own company. Whether they can succeed in the transition with the liberalization and internationalization of telecom is subject to if they can follow the footstep of CPE and the network access equipment manufacturing industry entering the global market. And this triggered my interest to have this study. This is a case study. The approach is to collect the published articles related to the business transformation and compare with the transition process of this case company for that to develop some constructive suggestions. The result of this search indicates that the telecom industry is a capital intensive industry. The small-scale telecom devices manufacturer was limited with the resources so that they need a strategic resources management, especially when they consider the multi-products transformation. Review the revenue structure of this case company, it is apparent that they are transferring from self-owned brand to ODM/OEM. It is worth to observe if that is right path of this industry to collaborate with worldwide companies as what CPE and network access equipment industry did.


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3.Bibeault, Donald B., How managers Turn Losers into Wineers, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1982.
6.Delaney&Huselid, The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Perceptions of Organizational Performance, Academy of Management Journal, 40(1), 1996, PP.88∼171.
7.Digman, Lester A., Strategic Management: Concept, Decision Cases, Homewood, 2nd ed., 1990.


