  • 學位論文


Metadata Management For Enterprise Data Integration

指導教授 : 盧以詮


Metadata之定義,最為普遍接受的解釋是『資料的資料』(data about data)。其想法及應用由來已久,從早期應用於圖書館中的檢索卡片即為一例。現今Metadata也被廣為利用於各種領域中,例如:資料交換、全文檢索等等。相對於前述之廣泛使用,Metadata應用於企業內之資料整合是相當少見的。然而,現行企業內系統開發及資料整合有其窒礙難行之處,因此本研究以Metadata管理為出發點,建立一Metadata儲存庫架構,並將其應用於企業資料之整合。 對於企業資料整合本研究以Metadata將應用程式與資料分離,由企業內高階知識工作者完成整體企業資料的定義及描述。定義完成的Metadata是以企業領域知識所構成,使用者將會很容易了解企業擁有多少資料及其意義。企業整個資料由Metadata儲存庫管理,應用程式透過適當的工具連結對資料做存取。由於所有資料已由Metadata儲存庫產生及管理,應用程式在開發的過程只需透過Metadata 儲存庫提供的存取介面完成資料的存取。系統開發者只需專注於程式或企業邏輯的開發,不再像現行大多數應用程式必須花費大量的時間在資料模型分析及測試。如此透過Metadata的整合達成企業資料共享,應用程式溝通則藉由Metadata儲存庫的介面以統一且一致的方法傳遞訊息。


Metadata is data about data. For a long time, it has been widely applied to various fields; for instance, data exchange and full-text search. However, the application of Metadata to enterprise data tends to be less in the field of business, since it has been a very arduous task to develop systems or integrate data in the field of business. In view of the lack of research on this issue, the study, based on Metadata management, intended to establish a Metadata Repository Architecture, and further apply it to enterprise data integration. In this study, Metadata separates applications and data. At the very beginning, knowledge workers accomplish definitions and descriptions of overall enterprise data, and resulted in Metadata which has been constructed with domain knowledge. With this kind of knowledge, users can easily understand the amount and the meanings of data possessed by a company. Later, the Metadata Repository will manage Enterprise Data, and the applications will access the data by implementing appropriate tools. Since the entire data has been produced and managed by the Metadata Repository, the development of applications simply accesses data through the interface provided by Metadata. Developers only need to concentrate themselves on the development of program and business logic, rather than spend a great deal of time on data model analysis and testing. Accordingly, a company can achieve enterprise data sharing through the integration of Metadata, and carry out the communication of applications through a unified and identical integration offered by Metadata Repository.


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