  • 學位論文


A Study on Event Management of Information Technology Services Management

指導教授 : 林耀欽


本論文研製之資訊技術服務管理之事件管理作業,係提供組織在第一時間內偵測事件,然後鎖定正確的支援資源,以便儘快解決事件能力的重要處理程序。所有遭遇事件的組織,都會影響或威脅正常商務的運行。隨著企業變得越來越依賴他們的資訊技術服務,如何能快速及有效地針對任何可能會對資訊系統服務或基礎建設架構造成負面影響的事件做出立即的反應,已變得極為重要。 如果組織在實際運作事件管理處理程序時,就同時落實來電管理、事故與問題管理、變更與上線管理各步驟,探討並分析事件發生的根本原因,同時檢討並修改內部處理程序、步驟或基礎架構,以期解決最根本的問題,或提供暫行的因應措施,便可以找出並解決任何顯著或重複發生事件的根本原因,進而降低再度發生的可能性。


In this paper, the development of Event Management operations of Information Technology Service Management, is provided in the first period of time to detect events, and then lock the correct support resources, to resolve the event as soon as possible to facilitate the ability of important processing procedures. All organizations face events, will affect or threaten the normal running of the business. As enterprises become more and more dependent on their Information Technology services, how to quickly and effectively may have against any information system or infrastructure services have a negative impact on the structure of the event to make an immediate response to it, have become extremely important. If the actual operation in handling the event management process, on the phone at the same time the implementation of management, incident and problem management, change management and on-line steps to explore and analyze the root causes of the incident, at the same time to review and modify internal procedures for handling , steps or infrastructure with a view to solve the fundamental problem, or to provide temporary measures to implement the response, he would be to identify and resolve any significant or repeat the root causes of the incident, which happened to lower the possibility of a further degree.


