  • 學位論文

以NAND FLASH 與 NOR FLASH技術生命週期預測Phase Change Memory發展趨勢

Using technology life cycle of NAND FLASH and NOR FLASH to forecast the development and trend of Phase Change Memory

指導教授 : 盧煜煬


台灣的半導體產業在世界上已佔有一席之地,其中兩大支柱為晶圓代工與記憶體,而記憶體又以NAND FLASH與NOR FLASH這類非揮發性記憶體為最大宗。由於隨身裝置的普及使得非揮發性記憶體的重要性與日俱增。其中被認為能最快商業化的就是相變化記憶體。 由於專利可以代表技術能力,所以分析專利的資料能夠顯示出技術的演進,做為評估現有技術的發展程度與預測未來技術發展的依據,因此技術生命週期與產品生命週期研究的重要性也普遍地被認同,以做為資源投入、分配與發展策略的參考。本研究以專利數得到技術生命週期,以產值得到產品生命週期,藉由觀察兩者之間的關係探討相變化記憶體發展趨勢。


Taiwan semiconductor industry plays an important role in the world. Wafer foundry and memory take high percentage in the output value of semiconductor industry. Nonvolatile memory’s importance increase and grow rapidly after portable devices become popular let memory industry pay more attentions on new nonvolatile memory. Phase Change Memory was considered the first one to be commercialized. Patents analysis can represent the degree of technology and improvement, and companies can take it for reference. Technology life cycle and product life cycle are commonly identified by industry and companies consult them to decide resources distribution and develop strategy. This research use the patents analyze technology life cycle, and use the output values to analyze product life cycle, from the relationship of them to forecast the development and trend of Phase Change Memory.


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