  • 學位論文


A Study of Service Quality, The premium user Trust and The premium user Loyalty Based on Social Networking Web Site

指導教授 : 王小惠


網際網路進入web2.0時代之後,分佈在全球的個人,得以經由網際網路聚集在一起,對於人類的交友行為產生了相當大的影響,許多以交友型態為號召的社交網路服務網站(Social Network Service,SNS)快速成長,例如:愛情公寓、MySpace、FaceBook,影響力與日俱增。 本研究以兩岸地區的指標性社交網路服務網站-愛情公寓(iPart)付費會員為主要研究對象,以David Gefen(2003)所發展之電子商務網站忠誠度為主要理論架構,並納入Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry(2005)發展的網站服務品質構面,與Kini and Choobineh(1998)所提出之網站信任構面,探討網站服務品質如何影響付費會員信任,進而影響付費會員忠誠度。 本研究採用問卷調查法,回收問卷計294 份,研究對象為愛情公寓的兩岸付費會員。研究結果顯示:(1) 「網站設計」與「安全性」的服務品質對於付費會員信任度影響最為顯著。(2) 「安全性」的服務品質對於付費會員忠誠度影響最為顯著。(3)「技術能力」的信任對於付費會員忠誠度影響最為顯著。(4)在網站服務品質與付費會員信任信任中,「安全性」的服務品質對於提升付費會員忠誠度影響最為顯著。


As we enter the age of web 2.0, individuals around the globe can gather around via the internet. It has a great impact on the human social networks.Many Social Network Services websites thrive and become highly influential, for example: ipart, MySpace, FaceBook. The research focuses on the premium users in iPart, one of the main social networks in the Greater China (cross strait). The mainframe is Customer Loyalty in E-Commerce by David Gefen (2003), supported with website service quality construct by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Barry (2005) and with website trust construct by Kini and Choobineh (1998). My research intends to identify how the service quality of the websites impacts the trust from the premium users, hence their loyalty. A questionnaire survey and purposive sampling was conducted to collect 294 samples for quantitative analysis. The samples come from those the cross strait premium users in iPart. The results show that: (1) The service quality of website design and security are highly influential to the trust of the premium users. (2) The service quality of security is highly influential to the loyalty of the premium users. (3) The trust of website technical ability is highly influential to the loyalty of the premium users. (4) In the website service quality and the premium user trust, the service quality of security is highly influential to increase loyalty of the premium users.


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