  • 學位論文


A Knowledge-Based Decision Support System for Transfer Pricing

指導教授 : 王維康


近數十年來,台灣經濟快速發展,企業的資金大量累積,市場慢慢擴大,企業為了多角化經營和降低風險,漸漸形成關係企業之經營型態。而關係人或關係企業間因為業務需要,或其他目的所為之有形資產及無形資產的買賣或使用、勞務提供、資金借貸等即構成移轉訂價。 我國於2004年12月28日發布「營利事業所得稅不合常規移轉訂價查核準則」,目的是希望與國際接軌,制訂一套完整之移轉訂價查核準則,進而提昇我國國際租稅地位。但移轉訂價所涉及的層面和查核之計算過程相當複雜,像是經濟、會計、統計、法律等專業問題。因此本研究之目的在於介紹如何結合模式庫、法則庫、個案庫,建構一能有效支援智慧型移轉訂價決策支援系統,來幫助查核人員查核移轉訂價之案件。本研究在「模式庫」中,可就最適方法選用可比較利潤法、再售價格法、成本加成法、可比較未受控價格法和利潤分割法以建立常規交易範圍,藉此判斷移轉訂價案件是否符合常規交易原則;在「法則庫」中,利用if…then…的推導模式,尋求下一步的決策行動,並且提供移轉訂價相關之國內外法規;在「個案庫」中,則提供個案檢索,以協助使用者在面對相關問題時,能藉由電腦資訊系統提供輔助,作出合理正確的選擇、提升移轉訂價查核的品質,並且迅速累積經驗及降低付出的時間及成本。經本系統運作、測試及評估,確實能利用智慧型移轉訂價決策支援系統,有效地幫助移轉訂價案件之查核,並且能迅速地提供決策者確實合理的決策建議。


In the last decade, the economy has grown quickly. In order to deal with the problem of transfer pricing and to realize fair and legitimate taxation in the field of controlled transactions made between a profit-seeking enterprise and its related parties. For determining arm's length pricing or profit of controlled transactions in a fair and reasonable way, the Ministry promulgated the Regulations Governing Assessment of Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax on Non-Arm's Length Transfer Pricing on 28 December, 2004. Therefore, one objective of this study is to build a decision support system in helping decision maker on transfer pricing issues. This study combines model base, rule base and case base facilitate auditing. In the model base, there are five models, comparable uncontrolled price method, resale price method, cost plus method, comparable Profit method and Profit split method, to be judgment transfer pricing cases whether conform arm’s length principle . In the rule base, decision maker can search relevant regulations. In the case base, decision maker can search relevant cases. The system can be efficiently used to help decision maker resolve transfer pricing problems.


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