  • 學位論文

LCD TV 在數位家庭未來發展方向

LCDTV developing direction in the digital home

指導教授 : 盧以詮


隨著網際網路基礎建設已趨普及、寬頻與無線網路的技術與應用更成熟,與網路結合的數位產品,因應而生。數位家庭的概念在這個時代也成為最熱門的話題。而以前在電腦桌前面所能獲得的資訊,已逐漸轉移到客廳,甚至隨身的通訊產品中。而在客廳中最核心,具有資訊傳達的數位顯示產品,就是LCDTV。 因此,探索前景未明且獲利不易的LCDTV產業,其在未來數位家庭中擔任何種角色,要如何與各產業整合一個符合消費者喜愛的數位家庭情境,並使現在虧損連連的LCDTV產業,再創一片藍海,是本研究的主要研究動機。本研究主要是以描述性的方法來說明,再以回顧文獻、次級資料,所獲得各產業及數位家庭的發展現況,並將所獲得的資料進行彙整、研究分析,並設計一個可以整合各種數位產品的控制介面,以利發展本研究的各種數位家庭使用情境。 本研究利用數位家庭聯盟ECHONET的幾個特點規劃出以LCDTV為核心的數位家庭藍圖。然後以其共通的軟體架構概念,設計一類似的數位裝置管理系統,然利用此系統,規劃實現居家安全、數位家電、數位影音、數位內容服務及貼心家庭環境使用情境。而在規劃這些使用情境中驗證到數位家庭的普及必須倚賴各產業的整合、軟硬體的結合、共通平台的建立。並且使用更有效的行銷手段提高數位產品的高度數位技術利用程度,本研究稱之為「數位價值」,也讓LCDTV 在數位家庭中找到其「數位價值」,希望以此定位為LCDTV 在數位家庭的發展方向。


LCD TV 數位家庭


As the popularization of the internet infrastructure, the technology and application of wireless network and broadband are getting more and more mature. The digital products which combine with internet are growing up rapidly. The conception of digital home becomes the topic in the recent years. The information that can get from the computer in the past is transffering to the products in the livining room, even to the portable communication products. The core digital display product which can transfer information in the living room is LCDTV. Therefore,to explore the not clear foreground and low profit LCDTV industry and find out a scenario of digital home that can accepted by the consumers is the motive of this research. In this research,the information of the progress of the ditital home come from the the papers,datum in the relative industries.Designing a control interface which can integrate several ditital products after analyzing the collecting information to develop the scenarios of digital home in the research. The research draw the roadmap of LCDTV in the field of digital home by the features of the ECHONET Alley.Designing the similar ditital control system to carry out the scenarios of home security, ditital home appliances, digital media, digital sevice and touching family enviroment. In the progress of validating the scenarios,the popularization of digital home depends on the integration of several industries, combinition of software and hardware,building a public plateform.In this research,to raise the application of the highly digital technology by effective marketing is defined as 「Digital Value」. To find out the「Digital Value」of the LCDTV and verify the deveopment orientation of the digital home.


LVD TV Digital Home


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22.楊信忠,「LCD TV 產業的關鍵成功因素探討」,元智大學,碩士論文,93年。
