  • 學位論文


The experimental design of a small project management system for an IC design house

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


科技產業近二十年間的快速發展,隨著資訊技術及網際網路(Internet)應用的演變,在全球 IT 供應鏈當中,已佔有舉足輕重的地位。尤以半導體 IC 設計對IT 產業的發展與貢獻具有關鍵性「產業火車頭」之角色。但台灣 IC 設計業因環境與市場條件之限制,大多以中、小型公司為主,較不似美、日等國,擁有較多大型科技公司,管理經驗及資源較充足。台灣的中小型 IC 設計公司於研發設計上著力頗深,發展出許多優異的新技術,但在晶片研發後與客戶需求設計整合之專案控管上,卻較缺乏有效的管理機制,大多仍仰賴傳統的文件管理方法來追蹤與記錄專案之進度及內容。 當客戶設計專案之件數隨著 IC 設計公司的營收成長而快速增加後,尤對於須在客戶整合設計付出較多努力的 IC業者而言,因缺乏較嚴謹的專案管理機制,常發生顧大失小、顧此失彼的情形。對於專案處理的進度、內容與過程,亦缺乏較好的工具能夠即時完整的予以記錄、分享與追蹤,以致作業的效能打折扣。 IC 設計產業是爆發性極強的產業,但上述諸多普遍存在於 IC 設計公司之管理缺陷及現象,常阻礙企業營運規模之擴展,以及工程研發單位的作業效率。 本研究以半導體某 IC 設計公司為對象,解析當前中小型 IC 設計公司於「客戶設計整合專案管理」之應用現況、遭遇之困難及需求,再以 IT 模擬法,針對個案進行分析,設計實際可應用之專案管理軟體系統模型,提供專案流程控制、進度追蹤、資訊分享等機制。期盼本研究之結果,能為 IC 設計業或相關產業於客戶專案管理應用的相關議題上,提供一個可行的解決方案及研究探討的空間。


There is a huge development in science and technology in past 20 years, especially in global IT supply chain area. The development of IC semiconductor plays a critical role in IT field. Since most of Taiwan's IC design houses are small- or midian- sized, not like those large-size enterprises in the USA or Japan. No matter what resource or management experience is about, these Taiwan enterprises are devoted to IC designing and try to create their own high technology designs. Because of a lack of efficient management in unifying IC design and customer demands at middle and final phase of production processes, the traditional way to trace the records and history of customer’s demand and progress of each project were used. Once the demands grow up, these IC enterprises need to pay more attention to unifying the demands from customers. Usually they will take one thing into consideration and neglect the other because they lack a conscientious management plan to control it. They don’t have good way to record, to share or to trace it promptly, this makes the process inefficient. Since the problem of lacking good management plan exists among the majority parts of this Industry. Usually it obstructs enterprises expanding and achieving R&D efficiency. This research takes an IC design house as a target; to analyze what kind of demand & difficult situation the small- or median- sized IC enterprises may encounter, then analyze the case by IT simulation. Finally to create software of project management which can supply IC enterprise with a good control on the project. Hope the result of my research will offer IC industry and related businesses a workable resolution and an available room of discussion.


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