  • 學位論文


Body of foreign labor-A study on the health view of Philippine female worker in the manufacturing industry of Taoyuan district and a study on the use of medical resource

指導教授 : 陳芬苓


在勞動力移動成為一種世界性的浪潮時,隨著社會經濟的發展,國內亦面臨勞工遷移的問題,勞工的移動已是國際潮流,他們的健康問題也越來越受重視,研究者期望能藉此研究分析外籍勞工的健康觀念,對外籍勞工在台期間可能遭遇的健康問題及健康需求進行初步的探討,本研究之研究目的為:(一)探討外籍勞工對健康及疾病的定義;(二)探討文化因素對外籍勞工健康觀的影響;(三)探討階層因素對外籍勞工醫療利用的影響;(四)探討環境因素對外籍勞工健康造成的影響 。 本研究採參與觀察法及深入訪談法進行研究分析,研究對象為桃園縣來台六個月以上之製造業菲籍女性勞工,研究結果發現:菲籍女性勞工只從身體健康這方面的觀念來定義健康,只有少數是從心理健康的觀點來定義健康。菲籍女性勞工對健康的看法有一項特質:她們認為只要有精神、有體力可以工作賺錢,這樣的身體就可以算是健康,她們把身體當成一種勞動的工具,所有的考量都只是以工作為重心,只要是能支撐自己好好工作的身體,就算是健康的身體。 在醫療資源的使用方面,對在台菲籍女性勞工而言,造成她們對醫療資源疏離的最大原因是語言溝通的困難以及文化的適應,溝通的障礙使她們不敢自己去看醫生醫療訊息的不足,所以不論生什麼病都找一樣的醫生。在母國因為經濟問題,生病不就醫的行為到了台灣即使經濟問題改善,菲籍女性勞工生病時仍然不把就醫當成第一選擇。


文化 階層 健康觀 醫療資源


Labor migration is now a global trend. Along with the social economic development, our country has to face with the issue of labor migration too. Labor migration is now a global trend and their health issues are gradually emphasized; the researchers hope to analyze foreign worker’s health concept through this study and investigate the possible health issues and health needs during foreign worker’s stay in Taiwan. The research objectives of this study include: (1) Investigate the definition on health and disease from the foreign workers; (2) Investigate the effect on the health concept of the foreign worker based on cultural factor; (3) Investigate the effect on the usage of medical resource by the foreign worker based on social rank factor; (4) Investigate the effect on the health of foreign worker caused by the environmental factor. Participant observation method and in-depth interview method will be adopted in this study, and the research targets are the female Philippine foreign workers, in the manufacturing industry of Taoyuan County, who have arrived and stayed in Taiwan for more than six months. The study results are: Female Philippine foreign workers define the health only from the concept of body health and only very few of them define the health from psychological health point of views. One special characteristic from their views on the health: They think that as long as they are vigorous and energetic to work, this is the so-called healthy body. They treat their bodies as tools for work and all their focuses are all on the work. As long as a body can support herself for the job, that body is a healthy body. In the usage of medical resource and to the female Philippine workers here in Taiwan, difficulty in communication due to language and the difficulty of adaptation to the culture here are the major reasons for their isolations from the medical resource. Communication difficulty make them hesitating to see a doctor; insufficient medical information makes them find the same doctor no matter what disease they have. In their mother country, they don’t see a doctor when they are sick are mostly due to economic reason; but in Taiwan, even their economy has been improved, yet most of the female Philippine foreign workers still do not take “seeing a doctor” as the first priority choice when they are sick.


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