  • 學位論文


The competition tactic of bank Consumer Finance-Bank case study as the example

指導教授 : 李弘暉


隨著金融市場競爭日益激烈,各家銀行為了爭取顧客之信賴及支持,皆積極研擬新式金融商品之創新,爭取區隔市場利基,以建立核心競爭優勢;傳統銀行的存放業務,大部份掌握在老行庫手裡,再加上國民生活水準不斷提升,購買力增強,使得新銀行決定另闢戰場,大力發展個人消費金融新市場。 消費金融實為綜合金融服務重要的一環,包含種類繁多,例如外匯、存款、綜合存款、信用卡業務、房屋貸款、汽車貸款、小額信用貸款、個人投資理財等業務。狹義的消費者貸款係指,以個人家計或小型企業為對象,採無擔保方式,而且為按月償還之貸款;貸款是以個人、家屬之使用為目的。而廣義的消費者貸款係指,除上述一般性貸款外,尚包括房屋貸款。 從個案研究結果顯示,銀行競爭策略的目的就是要在消費金融方面達成競爭優勢,因此,必須將銀行現有的資源和潛能,利用市場機會,建立彈性與階段性競爭策略。影響銀行在消費金融業務的經營績效的因素相當多,一是外在環境因素,影響因素包括政府相關法令及政策、經濟環境、科技因素及競爭狀況;二是銀行本身所擁有的資源多寡、管理能力的差異、採行經營策略的不同,本論文由銀行所採行的競爭策略方面,從個案銀行消費者貸款佔放款比率、信用卡發卡數,發現銀行發展消費金融業務時,其所採用的競爭策略適當與否與其各項的營運績效是息息相關。 然而銀行若要保持好的績效管理,必須維持競爭優勢,銀行要長期保持在消費金融業務的競爭優勢,就必須持續地在消費金融商品上改進效率、品質、創新及作好顧客回應,讓競爭銀行無法模仿。


The financial market competition violent day by day . Each bank active to study new finance merchandise market profits to strive customer ’s depend and support. The greater part of savings and loans master by old banks. Because the living standard to increase continue, the purchasing power to strength then, so the new bank decide to find a new path and to expand personal consume financial market. The consume finance is very important to synthesis finance service, it’s include foreign exchange , bank savings, synthetic savings, credit card, houses loan, car loan, fiduciary loan, personal invest and manage money etectera. The narrow sense of consume loan is to use as family livelihood or small enterprise , it’s signature loan and pay back by month . The broad sense of consume loan is also include houses loan. From the case study to display, the objective of the competition tactic of bank is let consumer finance have competition superiority. Therefore, the banks need to let the resources and potential on hand of bank to build up elasticity and phase competition by market chance. There are many cause of influence the manage results for bank consumer finance. (1)External environment factor, include government laws and policy, economical environment , science factor, and competition condition. (2) The resources of bank ,the difference of managerial capacity, the different of manage tactic. The thesis to discover develop bank consumer finance, that to adopt competition tactic appropriate or not is to be closely linked with operating results from bank case consumer loan to occupy loan rate, the count of credit cards. However , the bank need to improvement the efficiency ,quality, create, and the customer’s feedback ,let the competition bank unable to copy to hold the well results manage .


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