  • 學位論文


Relatedness of research study of Leraning organization and service quality

指導教授 : 李弘暉


本研究主要在探討樣本醫院的員工對學習型組織、受訓動機與服務品質的感受,並進一步探討三者之關聯性,瞭解員工所提供的服務品質會不會受到學習型組織及受訓動機的影響,也就是說員工因為接受到學習型組織的各項訓練活動後,會將其受訓所學到的知識或技能運用在服務病患身上。本研究以財團法人亞東醫學中心為研究對象,依分層抽樣方式問卷調查在該機構到職滿一年以上,接受過教育訓練的醫療、護理、醫事、行政…等部門一線人員,共發放200份問卷,由於受到各單位主管鼎力支持,回收有效問卷為200份問卷,回收率達100%。本研究運用SPSS套裝軟體進行統計分析,使用描述性統計、Pearson積差相關、簡單迴歸及多元迴歸等統計方法,藉此瞭解受試者的背景以及瞭解三變項間的關係,以達本研究之研究目的與驗證研究假設。 本研究的結論如下: 1.樣本醫院之「個人-持續學習構面」與「個人-對話探詢」構面的感受最深,在「組織-授權構面」及「組織-系統連結構面」感受較弱。 2.樣本醫院對於「個人-對話與探詢」的感受較一致,但是「組織-建立系統」較分歧 3.樣本醫院有很強的受訓動機 4.不同部門別的成員對學習型組織、受訓動機有不一樣的反應 5.不同部門的成員對於所提供的服務品質沒有差異 根據本研究之研究結論,就「個人」、「小組/團隊」、「組織」提供下列建議: 一、就個人而言: 現行的學習型組織系統下,已表現出良好的一面,但也是要繼續維持下去,讓組織內成員的關係更佳緊密,向心力更加凝聚。 二、就小組/團隊而言: 樣本醫院的小組/團隊方式進行的活動仍然有加強的空間,例如:品管圈、專案改善活動等,在活動進行時應盡力發揮團隊合作的力量,而非侷限在個人層次的表現。 三、就組織而言: 1.建立完善的學習機制 2.建立持續學習的文化 由於醫學中心肩具醫療服務、教學及研究的責任,具有高度專業之成員,在本質上自然成為學習型導向的組織,但是,推動學習型組織不是口號,而是必須融入組織文化的一種觀念,只要管理者有系統的鼓勵同仁學習,並且激發其受訓的動機,一定可以在同儕間擁有相當的競爭力。


The objects of this research are to investigate employees’ feelings toward learning organization, trainee motivation and service quality, and to explore the association between them progressively, and to find out whether the service quality that employees apply would be affected by learning organization or trainee motivation; in other words, employees would apply the knowledge or skills that they learned from the training activities of learning organization to patients. The research object is Far-Eastern Memorial Hospital, and this research is conducted via questionnaires and the research object is selected by stratified random sampling. Due to the support of chiefs, a total of 200 questionnaires were distributed to first-line employees with more than one year seniority from medical, nursing, technical and administrative departments and 200 effective questionnaires were collected (effective return rate was 100%). In order to reach the research goals and verify its assumptions, we tries to find out the background of testees and the relationship between these three variables by using SPSS to analyze data, including using descriptive statics, Pearson product-moment correlation, simple regression and multiple regression methods. There are few conclusions: 1.The aspects of “self-continuous learning” and “self-inquiry conversation” in sample hospital are strong, but the aspect of “organization-system building” is in the opposite way. 2.The aspect of “self-inquiry conversation” in sample hospital is more consistent; however, the aspect of “organization-system building” is more discrepant. 3.There is strong trainee motivation in sample hospital. 4.Employees from different departments have different reactions toward learning organization and trainee motivation. 5.The service quality supplied by employees from different departments has few variations. According by the conclusion, there are some suggestions for “person”, “team” and “organization” respectively. 1.For person: the present learning organization operates well, but it needs to be maintained to make the organization members more coherent. 2.For team: there is still rooms for team activities to improve; for instance, quality control circle, project improvement plan, etc., and by means of those activities, it should develop the power of teamwork instead of focusing on the personal performance. 3.For entire organization: a.Building a complete learning mechanism. b.Developing a continuous learning culture. Due to medical center’s responsibility for medical service, teaching and research, and its highly professional members, it is natural for it to develop as a learning-orientation organization; nevertheless, developing a learning organization is kind of concept which should be fit in organizational culture but not merely a slogan. It would be more competitive among same industry on condition that manages encourage employees to learn and motivate their training motivations systematically.


2.Argyris, C., & Schon, D. A. (1978).Organizational learning: Atheory of action perspective. MA: Addison-Wesley.
