  • 學位論文


An Automation for Capacity Allocation and Dispatch─A View from the Semiconductor on W/B Station in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉俞志


半導體製程屬於多機台流線式製程(Flow shop with multiple processors, FSMP)。在半導體封裝製程中,以銲線及封膠製程所投入的設備及成本最大,成為製程中的瓶頸;而如何改善FSMP製程中瓶頸站的生產效率每每成為企業在追求利益最大化的重要議題。A公司位於桃園縣,目前為世界前三大的封裝測試廠;其目前的封裝排程管理資訊系統架構大致與何育恩(圖一)所提出的架構一致。該研究透過個案之訪談及管理機制之探討,以限制驅導式排程法,有效的簡化生管人員之排程步驟。本研究以其為基礎,並針對他在每日下線明細表以及瓶頸機台工作排程明細的部份提出動態系統化的可能;輔以資料探勘工具(WEKA)將零相關屬性剔除;期能改善A公司瓶頸站中的銲線站別現行的人工派料作業模式,預先估算出符合生產線目前需要的各種機台形式及數量,以求產能最大化。


半導體 派工 FSMP 自動化 瓶頸站


Semiconductor processes are Flow shop with multiple processors (FSMP). During semiconductor assembly processing, the majority equipments and cost weights on wire bond and molding and which has led the button neck of processes. No doubt, the improvement of product efficiency of button neck steps to fulfill the maxima margin of profit has become the top issue of assembly industry. Company A, in Taoyuan, currently the third largest assembly & testing company world wild, its assembly scheduling management system framework consistent with Hu-En Ho proposed architecture (Graph 1) in the major portion. The study is based on case interview and researched of management mechanism via Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR) method to effectively simplify the scheduling steps perform by quality control personnel. As the foundation of the study, this thesis reveals the possibility of dynamically system on daily offline detail and button neck machines tasks scheduling. Also, it associates with data mining tools (WEKA) to red off irrelevant attributes, we expect that this research could solve the button neck and mended wire bond manually dispatch pattern and furthered to foresee the number and type of machines in product line for gain the margin of production.


Semiconductor Assignment FSMP Automation


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