  • 學位論文

印刷電路板鑽孔微細粉塵資源化 可行性之技術研究

Technology for Recycling of Waste Powders Emitted from Drilling Processes in Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing

指導教授 : 江右君


摘 要 印刷電路板(Printed circuit board,PCB)廣泛應用於許多電子設備,目前PCB產業為台灣第二大電子零組件產業,其產值在2005年6月時已達到1226億元台幣的規模。PCB製程會產生相當多固體廢棄物,種類繁雜但部份具有極高經濟價值,如硫酸銅、銅箔、銅粉、鋁板及錫鉛渣等。目前產生量較多且具資源回收價值者為廢板邊料及廢水污泥兩類。由於PCB工廠的生產負荷高,每月均有大量基板鑽孔粉塵產生。若能有效資源化這些鑽孔粉塵,應對工廠的經營管理具有相當大的助益。因此本研究擬收集PCB廠鑽孔粉塵經集塵風管和旋風集塵器處理後的廢料,經過篩、重力分離等步驟,將原廢料粉塵中的金屬銅與玻璃纖維/環氧樹脂分離開來,後個別做為研製氧化銅與做為塗料填充材的原料。 本研究的主要研究重點包括PCB鑽孔粉塵廢料的蒐集、金屬銅與玻璃纖維/環氧樹脂之分離、氧化銅與塗料的製備等四大類。其中PCB鑽孔粉塵廢料需先經篩網過濾後以取得粒徑小於0.5 mm的樣本,並進行元素組成、化學組成與SEM表面鏡檢等分析。其後控制不同流量、添加劑、垂直/水平流速、流體停留時間與無因次參數Fr數進行重力分離,分別將金屬銅與玻璃纖維/環氧樹脂分離開來並分別回收,並分別利用化學組成分析確定金屬銅之品位、利用SEM表面鏡檢觀察其分離效果、利用毒性溶出試驗分析純化後之玻璃纖維/環氧樹脂混合物之安全性。將上述金屬銅利用不同條件包括酸液濃度、反應溫度等製備成氧化銅,並針對樣本進行化學組成與SEM表面鏡檢等分析。而純化後之玻璃纖維/環氧樹脂混合物可作為塗料中之填充材(委託青葉油漆股份有限公司製作)並進行遮蓋力、細度、耐水性、耐酸鹼性、固型份耐磨耗性與耐洗刷性等分析。最後藉由分析整體實驗所需成本與可回收之效益做經濟評估,以估計回收之效益。 由PCB鑽孔粉塵原廢料的化學組成分析可知,粉塵樣本含銅量相當高,約為6.7 wt.%,顯示其金屬回收價值相當高。由重力分選系統最佳操作條件之特性分析可知,收集槽1樣本中大部份均為銅粉,含銅量高達91 %以上,其次為收集槽2,含銅量為38 %。而收集槽3、4、5、6樣本之TCLP測出值均符合EPA公告標準值,可達到廢棄物再利用之標準。由氧化銅樣本之SEM外觀鏡檢圖示可發現反應溫度主要影響樣本顆粒結晶的型態與雜質的多寡;另外酸液之濃度主要影響顆粒大小、外觀與分散情況。由塗料特性測試可知,經由重力分選出來之玻璃纖維/環氧樹脂顆粒可取代高領土做為更耐磨之填充材料。由PCB粉塵原料之質量平衡圖可知1 Kg的PCB粉塵原料其經過篩分與重力分選後約可回收66.3 g、純度90 %以上的金屬銅,原廢料中之銅幾乎可完全回收,且可收集到約850 g的純環氧樹脂/玻璃纖維,其每噸廢料經資源回收後經濟價值可達15000元以上。而1 g金屬銅在最佳操作環境溫度60℃下約可研製1.2 g銅含量78.91 %之氧化銅,經濟價值為金屬銅之2倍。


Abstract The objective of this study is intended to collect the drilling powders from printed circuit board (PCB) industry to synthesize cupric oxide and filling stuff of paint from utilizing a method of gravity sedimentation to recycle copper and epoxy resin/glass fiber separately. The waste powders were sized and dried, and then determine their properties. After a series processes of separation, sedimentation, determine the content of copper and the effect of recycling and economy. Then utilizing different concentration of acid and reaction temperature to synthesize cupric oxide, determine their content of copper and characteristic of surface. After synthesizing paint filling by epoxy resin/glass fiber, determine their fundamental characteristic. Results show that the C content in waste powders was only 24 %, which shows that the powders were complicated. The most 3 top chemicals were Cu (6.71 wt.%), Mg, and Al. After sedimentation test, it shows that there were about 91 % copper in collection tank 1 and 38 % in collection tank 2. All the epoxy resin/glass fiber in collection tank 3, 4, 5 and 6 were conforming to the standard of TCLP test to replace Kaolin to be filled stuff. The mass balance figure shows that there were about 66.3 g (purity up to 90 %) of copper recycled and about 850 g of epoxy resin/glass fiber recycled. The economic value of recycling from waste PCB drilling powders is up to 15000 dollars. One gram of copper could synthesize about 1.2 g cupric oxide (78.91 % copper ion content) in the optimum condition, the economic value of cupric oxide is twice as copper.


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