  • 學位論文


Style Analysis and Comparison of Chinese Calligraphy - A Study of Four Famous Calligraphers of Song Dynasty

指導教授 : 李其瑋


中國各朝代都有特殊的書體,其中尚意的宋代書法,創造獨特的藝術風格。本研究即以蔡襄、蘇軾、黃庭堅以及米芾宋代四大家為研究對象,探討四者行書風格。而於現今已有許多學者對於書法藝術有著深厚的研究與解析,但大部分從書法家文化素養與人格方面探討至書法風格,或以感性詞彙傳遞書法家思想,使得後人只能從片面較為質性描述的詞句理解。因此,本研究以數據量化方式分析書法風格,透過數據與質性描述的史料,探討宋代四大家行書風格差異。主要分為宋代四大書法家行書風格元素解構與量測、宋代四大書法家行書風格分析與比較二部分,第一部分,從個體筆劃至綜觀整幅作品的結構章法,有層次地解構宋代四大家行書造形,並針對不同元素定義各種量測尺度取得數據,客觀清晰的分析行書風格。第二部份為宋代四大家行書風格分類,利用分析測量中的數據,以統計方式的單因子變異數分析與多變量統計中的判別分析,挑選出最為影響宋代四大家行書風格的元素,並運用計量角度,清楚地標出不同風格之間的界線,進而從數值中呼應過往行書藝術文獻中質性的評論。 研究結果顯示,文獻史料所描述蔡襄秀勁風格與蘇軾肥厚風格從行筆平均數值中可以看出明顯差異;而從起筆圓度可顯示黃庭堅圓勁的特色,一筆劃間的變化程度亦可顯示米芾的八面生姿風格,四者風格大致皆可從統計數據反映。此外,本研究嘗試從另一角度解讀書法之美,運用客觀的數值分析,提供往後分析相關藝術的另一個研究面向。


書法藝術 行書 風格 判別分析


There are different famous calligraphy artists in the history of Chinese calligraphy. Four famous artists in Song dynasty (Cai Xian, Su Shi, Huang Ting Jian and Mi Fu) are chosen in our study. Their calligraphy styles are analyzed by means of decomposing the characters from their respective handwriting. Objective procedures such as statistical methods are used to extract the style difference and composition in calligraphy and then compared to the quantitative descriptions in artistic references. The result is composed of style analysis and style classification. For style analysis, elements of strokes, characters and layouts of calligraphy are defined and measured to deconstruct the calligraphic forms systematically. For style classification, ANOVA and discriminant classification are used to classify the characters of the four artists to verify the elements and features of their styles. According to our objective analysis, it is found that Cai Xian and Su Shi’s styles can be distinguished by the thickness of strokes while Huang Ting Jian and Mi Fu’s styles can be distinguished by the shape of beginning press of strokes. The result reconfirms some facts about the styles described in the references.


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周鳳五(1985)。書法。臺北市 : 幼獅。
林家旭(2002)。流行服裝風格與設計要素關係之研究--以米蘭2002/3秋冬女裝作品為例。藝術學報, 73,89-97。
