  • 學位論文


Crisis Management of Futures Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李 弘 暉


中文摘要 期貨業的交易糾紛頻傳,尤其非法交易的問題叢生,引發企業危機。究竟期貨業 在發生危機前是否有有效的管理機制?在發生危機後如何面對危機?本研究以透過學理研究的方法,探討期貨業可行的危機管理模式。 本研究收集國內外學者相關危機管理文獻,選擇運用個案研究法及傑佛瑞.卡波尼 葛洛(JeffreyR.Coponigro)危機管理流程(The Crisis Counselor mind-set),進行台灣期貨業的危機管理研究。個案為H期貨94年停業事件。 研究發現期貨業對於作業風險,雖有相當嚴密防範機制,但是現有防範措施仍然不 能完全免除危機發生;因此期貨業須在危機發生前擬妥應變計畫,因應危機。一但危機發生,期貨商須第一時間進行有效處置,以降低損害;且須設置危機處理小組,以穩定情勢不讓危機持續惡化。在危機發生期間,運用蒐集重要群眾的資訊,來評估危機發展情形,作為調整因應策略的依據;若危機發展出現轉變,就必須朝企業最有利的方向調整策略。危機管理流程適用在個案公司,也適用在期貨業;同時須有專責人員控管危機管理流程,以防止危機重複產生。 對個案公司此一危機事件的研究發現如下: 個案公司在停業前,由於未能有效掌握發現警訊的危機處理,以至於危機持續擴 大引發更大的危機。個案公司在停業後的處理方式正確,不但快速完成作業面的轉移,及時穩定內部員工及外部客戶的信心,並成立危機處理小組,建立與公司主要群眾的溝通管道,穩定情勢讓危機不再擴大。在停業期間,個案公司運用蒐集主要群眾對停業事件的看法,作為監控評估危機資訊;當情勢獲得舒緩時,適時調整策略朝復業之路邁進。此外,對於經營策略及管理面的建議如下: 一、在經營策略面的建議 1、個案公司應持續進行危機管理流程,防止危機重複產生。 2、個案公司應檢討營業項目降低經營風險。 3、在集團組織架構上,須建構防火牆,防止作業風險擴大。 二、在管理層面的建議 1、個案公司強化作業風險能力應由基層做起。 2、個案公司應進行部門人員輪調,以強化管理。 3、個案公司應持續進行業務弱點分析與群眾調查。 4、個案公司應提升稽核位階,並落實稽核報告的執行。 5、個案公司對高風險業務的管理,應以專案查核取代例行查核。


Abstract Controversies associated with the transactions of futures were frequently occurred, especially in some illegal situations. Even more, it’s probable to evoke an enterprise crisis. Should there be any effective mechanism of management before the crisis? And, how to handle the situations after the crisis? In this study, we’ll delineate a practical model in crisis management of the futures industry. Literatures associated with crisis management were reviewed. We choose the crisis counselor mind-set model proposed by Jeffrey R. Coponigro et al. in 2000 for our case study . The study case is 「H」 Futures Corporation with the event of the business suspension in 2005. In facing the transactional risks of the futures industry, there were already some tight mechanisms to prevent any possible risk. However, the mechanism is not yet able to prevent all the risks. Thus a crisis management plan is necessary to be proposed before the happening of any possible crisis. Once the crisis happens, the business should form a crisis management team and work immediately and effectively, in order not to deteriorate the situation. During the crisis, public information is important in evaluating the progress, and also in forming the strategy of further management. In case of any change in situation, the strategy should be changed to fit the maximal benefit of the enterprise. The proposed crisis management plan would be suitable not only in one business, but also in the same industry. In the target of our case study, some facts were revealed. Before the business suspension, some warning signals for risky transactions were neglected, that makes small risks to aggregate into a large crisis. However, this business applied appropriate management after the suspension. A crisis management team was formed immediately. The routine daily operation and transaction were successfully transferred into other authorized futures corporation, those helped stabilizing the confidence of employees and customers. The communications between the business and major customers were well established, this also stabilized the whole situation of crisis. During the suspension, they collect the opinions of this event from public, in order to monitor the progress of crisis. When the pressure relieved, the strategy should be changed to cease the suspension and re-operate the business. In this study, we provide some recommendations regarding the strategies of conducting and managing this kind of business: I Recommended strategies in conducting business 1、The business should keep the crisis management, in order to prevent the crisis recur. 2、The business should review all the business items to reduce the possible risks. 3、A fire wall should be created in the human resource management, in order to prevent risk expansion. II Recommended strategies in managing business 1、The business should strengthen its risk management from the bottom up. 2、The business should rotate its employees from different department. 3、The business should keep analyzing the weak points in daily operation, as well as analyzing the public opinions. 4、The business should emphasize the role of audits, as well as the audit reports. 5、For the high-risk parts, the business should replace the routine audits by specialized authorization.


Futures;Crisis Management


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