  • 學位論文


A study on the smoking behavior of women in the work site

指導教授 : 陳芬苓


吸菸問題多年來一直被持續的討論和研究,自1997年菸害防制法實施後,國人健康意識抬頭,加速無菸環境推動,使得國內吸菸率呈現下降的趨勢,但是反觀女性吸菸人口的比率卻有逐年上升的現象。在過去吸菸專屬於男性,因此女性吸菸的問題一直未被重視,直到近幾年來因為女性的吸菸率呈現上升,女性吸菸問題才開始稍稍受到重視。本研究主要目的是想了解職場女性的吸菸行為,探討促使女性吸菸的原因究竟為何,而社會價值觀對女性吸菸者又帶來什麼樣的影響。 本研究採質性研究方法,共對15位桃園地區職場吸菸女性,進行半結構式的深度訪談。研究發現:有超過一半的職場吸菸女性是在進入職場才開始學會抽菸的,而他們的吸菸行為是會受到親人、同儕的影響,對他們來說抽菸不但可以紓解壓力、打發時間又是一種便利的方式。對職場吸菸女性而言,菸品是一種便宜的消費,他們對品牌具有極高的忠誠度,不會因漲價、廣告、促銷而改變菸品的消費行為。雖然有愈來愈多的女性吸菸,但是他們仍覺得這樣的行為是不被社會價值所認可的,對女性而言,吸菸是一種私密的活動,因此他們會在不同的場合表現出不同面貌的自我,隨著情境調整自己的形象。


職場女性 吸菸行為


Smoking issue is usually a topic of continuous discussion and research. Since the implementation of Smoking Injury Preventive Law in 1997, many domestic people start to emphasize on health and speed up the implementation of smoking-free environment, which in turn leads to a trend of drop in the smoking rate; however, on the contrary, female smoking population shows a rising trend year after year. In the past, smoking is exclusive for males, and female smoking issue is thus always not paid too much attention to; until recent years, due to the gradual increase of smoking rates among females, the female smoking issue starts to receive more attention. This study aims at understanding the smoking behavior of female in the work site and investigating what are the root causes that lead to female smoking behavior in the work site; moreover, what influence is brought about by the social value on the female smoker will also be studied. In this study, qualitative research method will be adopted, and about 15 females who smoke in the work site in Taoyuan District are the research targets for semi-structural in-depth interview. It is found from the study that: more than half of the female smokers start smoking for the first time after they enter the employment market, and their smoking behavior is affected by relatives and peers; to them, smoking helps them not only to release pressure, but also is a convenient way to spend the leisure time. To female smokers in the work site, cigarettes are a cheap consumption; they are very loyal to the brand name and will not change the consumption behavior because of price rise, advertisement or promotional activity. Although there are more and more female smokers, but they still feel that such behavior is not recognized by the social value. To females, smoking is a very private activity; therefore, they will display different faces at different locations and they tend to adjust their own images according to the environment.


杜金錠 (1999):《護理長管理自我效能與管理成效間之相關研究》。台北醫學院護理學研究所碩士論文,未出版。



