  • 學位論文


The Sunset of Life – Research of Emotional Dependence of Old People

指導教授 : 陳燕禎


彩霞滿天是人生完美一圖畫,尤其是人生在老年期,如果情感可以得到依附,夕陽餘暉之下將呈現一種新的人生風貌;人的一生必須經歷生老病死階段,隨著年齡增長,生理及心理層面也產生各種變化和退化。故如何在高齡化社會中,老年期增長之餘,獲得情感支持與性親密的生活是重要的課題,即使是鰥寡孤獨者都期望有個老來伴相互扶持,讓心靈有所歸屬感,享有人生晚年期幸福感。因此,本研究主要目的在瞭解老人情感依附對象,以及伴侶之間相處之互動情形與情感發展,分析老人性親密對幸福感影響因素,並建構老人情感依附之模式。本研究方法採以質化研究的深度訪談法,以桃園地區為研究範圍,並以65歲以上老人進行深度訪談,共完成訪談樣本14位。 本研究結果為:老人情感是呈現多面性的依附,不僅依附在「人」的身上,亦依附在「事」與「物」上,然而,老人要的只是一個「老伴」,能於晚年期相互關懷,在生活中有更多的互動;此外,老年期不僅有性的慾望,甚至還有性行為,性行為並沒有因為年齡增加而完全停止,只是其性親密方式有所改變,如以愛撫、親吻、擁抱代替性行為。此外,本研究也建構出老人情感依附的三大模式:1.安全/幸福依附型;2.安全/焦慮依附型;3.逃避/矛盾依附型,其中安全/幸福依附型的老人其幸福感較佳,逃避/矛盾依附型的老人其幸福感則較弱。最後根據本研究結果提出建議,老人應透過活動多與人接觸,結交異性朋友,不要太過於在乎世俗眼光;子女應該多陪伴父母,並鼓勵喪偶父母尋求情感第二春;政府提供老人有關性議題課程,豐富其藝文及團康活動內涵,並鼓勵老人參與志願服務。最後,由於本研究是區域性研究探討,在學術上引用必須要特別留意。


老人 情感依附 性親密 幸福感


One’s old age has always been described as the sunset because of the common attributes of beauty and decline. When the last stages of one’s journey come along with emotional dependence, it would provide new inspiration which enriches his/her routine days. Being aged is one of the stages in humans’ lives. In that stage, physical decline and mental decline occur along with the increase of age. To let the old receive both emotional supports as well as reasonable sexual relationship is a raising issue in an aging society, where the term of “old age” is expected longer then it used to. Even old widows / widowers are expecting and seeking for old spouses to take care and to be taken care so that they would be able to receive the emotional belonging and the sense of well-being in their sunsets of lives. According to the previous statement, the main purpose of this research is to investigate and analyze old people’s objects of emotional dependence, the interaction between the old spouses, the development of old people’s affectivity, the effect of sexual intimacy to their happiness, and end up with a model that describes emotional dependency of old people. In-depth interview based on qualitative research is adopted for 14 samples who are 65 year-old or above, living in Taoyuan county. The research indicates that old people’s affectivity is multidimensional dependence. Emotional dependence occurs not only to people they associate, but also to the events they have been through, and the belongings they own or once owned. However, to the old individual, the old spouse is more expected in terms of caring, and interacting in his/her daily life. Additionally, sexual desires and even sexual interactions occur in the old people. Being aged does not prohibit sexuality; it just alters the manners of intimacy: caress, kissing, and cuddle take the place of typical sexual interaction on most old people. This research also categorizes the following three emotional dependence patterns: 1. Safe / happy; 2. Safe / anxious; 3. Evaded / contradictory. Among the above patterns, the old people with “safe / happy” pattern have better sense of well-being, yet those with “evaded / contradictory” have worse sense of well-being. Therefore, following are the suggestions based on this research: As to the old individuals, it is positive to let old people associate with companions via all sort of activities. While associating with people in opposite sex, the old people should get rid of the conventionalism. As to the progeny of the old people, daughters and sons of the old people should spend more time in accompany with their seniors, encourage their widowed seniors in seeking the second marriage. As to the social service system, it is advised to provide more curriculum and programs regarding sexual relationship for old people, to enrich its cultivation of art and group activities, and to encourage old people in participation of voluntary service. At last, due to the geographical limitation of this research, it is strongly recommended to review more related reference while quoting this survey for scholar purpose


