  • 學位論文


Electrical impedance measurement by electrode system in physiological solution and realization of heating system

指導教授 : 許昕


本研究之目的在於利用惡性腫瘤之生理特性-會無止境的分裂而使細胞進 行無氧呼吸、進而堆積乳酸、造成周圍環境呈現酸性,來使用電極系統加熱之熱 療系統。 由前人之實驗可以知道酸-也就是氫離子的確會使生理溶液之阻抗下降,而 根據電學的公式P=(V*V)/R 可以知道阻抗越低所得之能量越高,進而使癌細胞更容 易被加熱。故本研究之實驗之重點放在(1)氫離子效應之驗證、(2)氫離子在高頻 之阻抗差異效應、(3)以頻譜分析之方式分析實驗之波形,目的是找出氫離子之 阻抗差異最顯著之頻率以及以頻譜分析來找出與阻抗差異之關連,以當作另一個 加熱難易度之頻估指標。而由實驗結果顯示出阻抗之差異百分比的確會在高頻之 一特定頻率產生最大值,在頻譜分析上確有找到與阻抗差異相同之趨勢的指標。 而在實作的部分是以個人電腦為控制平台,建構以阻抗量測為分析依據之基礎電 極熱療系統。


電極 腫瘤 電熱療 生物組抗


In this research, we want to develop a heating system by employing the property of cancer issue that the environment near the tumor is more acid than the surroundings. According to the experiment data, we can make sure that the hydrogen ions, will make the impedance of physiological solution down. And by the formula of electricity, P=(V*V)/R , we know that if the impedance goes down, the power will raise up, and thus the tumor will heat up easier. Our experiments are focused on (1)To test and verify the effect of hydrogen ions (2)The variation of impedance in high frequency (3)To analyze the spectrum from the experiments. In the result, there is a frequency that can make the heating efficiency best and in the spectrum analysis, we find out there is a similar trend with the variation rate of impedance. At last we setup a platform for control by personal computer. This platform of control is in order to establish a basic thermal system which works by measuring the impedance in physiological solution.


electrode tumor hyperthermia bioimpedance


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