  • 學位論文


The Determinants of Beijing Consumers’ Attitude and Purchase Intention toward Foreign Luxury Product: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


中國大陸近幾年的經濟發展,已成為全球擁有最多中產階級消費者的國家,這些中產階級消費者和過去傳統的中國消費者不同,他們對奢侈品有更正面的態度,也願意花費更多在奢侈品消費上,法國知名品牌Louis Vuitton去年九月在北京金融街開設其大陸第十八家門市分店,其分布據點也早已遍佈中國各地,包括西安、成都、昆明等地。美林證券更預估,到了2014年中國大陸即將成為世界最大的奢侈品市場,然而在這新興市場的消費者如何看待這一個潮流?而那些因素會影響中國大陸消費者的態度與購買意願呢?未來企圖進入中國大陸的奢侈品牌又該如何因應?這些問題引起了研究者的興趣。 本研究架構建立一個影響消費者對國外奢侈品品牌態度與購買意願之完整模式。其中包含消費者物質主義、流行涉入、獨特性需求和注意社會比較資訊對炫耀性消費和地位性消費的影響;也包括炫耀性消費、地位性消費、消費者仇視情感對國外奢侈品之品牌態度和購買意願的影響;同時,也以來源國作為干擾變數。本研究以滾雪球抽樣,分別在北京中關村和建外SOHO等地針對白領階級消費者發放問卷;也在北京各大商場百貨和購物中心,進行簡單便利抽樣收集樣本,回收有效樣本共629份。 研究結果指出,不考慮來源國的情況下,消費者物質主義對炫耀性消費和地位性消費皆有正向的顯著影響;流行涉入則僅對炫耀性消費有正向的顯著影響;獨特性需求以及注意社會比較訊息則均對炫耀性消費和地位性消費有負向的顯著影響;而炫耀性消費對國外奢侈品的品牌態度和購買意願有正向且顯著影響,地位性消費僅對品牌態度有正向顯著的影響;且消費者仇視情緒則是對品牌態度和購買意願皆有負向的顯著影響;最後,消費者也對不同來源國的奢侈品有不同的態度。


Since middle 1990s, China has been known for its rapid economic development. In current Chinese society, the newly prosperity allowed consumers to purchase much more than what they want (McEwen, Fang, Zhang, and Burkholder, 2006). Hence, as China’s economy is growing up dramatically and the members of middle class are continual increasing, the inevitability of luxury consumer goods is increasingly realized. It is necessary to completely understand how Chinese urban consumers evaluate foreign luxury brands and their willingness to buy foreign luxury products. Previous research has briefly concluded Asian consumer’s attitude toward luxury goods. For many Asians, luxury brands were seen as the dominant determinant of social status and prestige (Phau and Prendergast, 2000). Asian consumers tended to purchasing luxury goods in order to emphasize their social status and wealth; in addition, they also placed great emphasis upon gaining the identification from in-group (Wong and Ahuvia, 1998). This study conducted an overall structural equation model. This model confirmed that not only conspicuous consumption and status consumption would influence Chinese consumers’ attitude and purchase intention toward foreign luxury products, but also resonated the Vigeron and Johnson’s (1999) prestige seeking consumer behaviors. Moreover, consumers’ fashion involvement and the country of origin effect are also discussed. There are totally 629 valid respondents were recruited in Beijing through snowballing and convenient sampling. The major conclusions are listed as the followings: 1. Materialism has a significant and positive impact on both conspicuous consumption and status consumption. Fashion involvement only has a positive and significant impact on conspicuous consumption. 2. Consumer need for uniqueness has a significant impact on both conspicuous consumption and status consumption. However, the influence is negative on conspicuous consumption but positive on status consumption. 3. Attention to social comparison information has a significant and negative impact on both conspicuous consumption and status consumption. 4. Conspicuous consumption positively and significantly influences consumers’ attitude and purchase intention toward foreign luxury product; status consumption has a positive and significant impact on foreign luxury brand attitude. However, there are no significant relationship between status consumption and willingness to buy foreign luxury product. 5. Consumers’ animosity toward a specific country is found to have a negative and significant effect on foreign luxury brand attitude and willingness to buy foreign luxury product. 6. In this study, country of origin effect is found to partially moderate consumers’ attitude and purchase intention toward foreign luxury product when judging French, Japanese and American luxuries.


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