  • 學位論文


Studies of the Design of Microstructure Modulated Day-Lighting Panel to Achieve“Green Building”

指導教授 : 張明文
共同指導教授 : 李 孝 貽 柯 正 浩(Cheng-Hao Ko)


由於全球暖化現象,近幾年的驟雨、暖冬等氣候異常狀況不斷地發生,在生活品質日益提昇之際,過去不當的都市建築政策,使居住環境急遽惡化,地球環保受到莫大的扭曲。都市人口過度集中,人造環境不透水化,建築物通風不良,節能設計不當,造成能源浪費與都市氣候高溫化,為了緩和上述都市建築環境惡化的問題,以環保為導向的「綠建築」是有效的對策。 本研究主要就是利用光學設計,設計出微結構調制晝光板能有效率調制晝光的效果,並且能夠提高室內環境照度品質、降低眩光的不舒適感、營造和諧而安全的視覺環境之外,同時能有效降低照明燈具用電而達到節約能源的要求,提昇照明品質及節約能源的目標。


Even though the living quality has improved in the recent years, but the previous city layouts lack eco-awareness and have led to drastic consequences, such as the global warming effect. Causes include inefficient energy usage, over-concentrated population, and poor ventilation in buildings. This thesis will be focusing on how to improve the environment condition by using the "Green Building" method. This thesis principally uses optical design to create a Microstructure Modulated Day-lighting Panel which can adjust the direction of the daylight while improving the indoor lighting quality and energy efficiency of the building at the same time, as the idea of a “Green Building” design to be fulfilled.


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