  • 學位論文

勞退新制實施員工工作動機、工作投入、工作滿足與組織承諾之 關聯性研究~以某校 EMBA 同學為例

A Research of Relationship among employee’s work motivation, work involvement, work satisfaction and organizational commitment to the implementation of new labor pension act.

指導教授 : 李弘暉教授


摘 要 九十四年七月一日才正式上路的勞工退休金新制,雖然上路時間僅一年多,已有逾400萬人參加新制,未來將全面走向新制。勞退新制實施,退休金改為可攜式個人帳戶制,勞工的工作年資不會因跳槽中斷;勞工離職時,再也不需考慮退休金問題,企業於勞工退休金新制實施後,在制定甄選、留才與激勵制度時必須先瞭解影響員工工作動機、工作投入與工作滿足的因素,才能給予員工最合適的激勵方式,留住優秀的員工,提升組織效能,增加企業的競爭力。 本研究旨在了解勞退新制實施員工工作動機、工作投入、工作滿足與組織承諾之關聯性。本研究採用問卷調查法並以某校 EMBA 具有勞保身份同學為對象,共發出292 份問卷,回收175 份,剔除無效問卷21 份,有效問卷共154 份,有效問卷回收率約為52.7%,資料分析以敘述性統計分析、信度分析、相關分析、迴歸分析,並以Spss for Window 統計軟體為分析工具。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、勞退新制實施員工工作動機、工作投入、工作滿足與組織承諾各研究變項之間都有部份顯著相關。 二、勞退新制實施員工工作動機、工作投入、工作滿足與組織承諾有部份顯著影響。 本研究依據上述結論,對管理者在制定甄選、留才與激勵制度及未來研究提出建議,以供參考。 關鍵字:勞退新制、工作動機、工作投入、工作滿足與組織承諾


ABSTRACT There’re more than 4 million of labor forces who participated the new labor pension act in just one year and four months since the implementation of this regulation at 2005.7.1 After the new labor pension act was introduces, the labor pension changed to personal account which can be carry-over. The seniority of labor won’t be interrupted if they resign from current job. So corporate must understand the factors which affect the labors’ work motivation, work involvement and work satisfaction while they constitute the policies to recruit, retain and motivate their employee as to keep their talented employee to improve the organization efficiency and corporate competency. The purpose of this research is to understand the relationship among employee’s work motivation, work involvement, work satisfaction and organizational commitment to the implementation of new labor pension act. This research employs questionnaire collection and is using EMBA students of a colleague who has participated labor insurance as the research base. There’re 292 questionnaires submitted, and had received 175 feedback where 21 of them were vain. The return rate is 52.7%. This research found: 1. The research variables of employee’s work motivation, work involvement, work satisfaction and organizational commitment are substantial relevant after the implementation of new labor pension act. 2. Employee’s work motivation, work involvement, work satisfaction and organizational commitment are substantial influence to the implementation of new labor pension act. This research introduced suggestions to corporate management level for them to constitute the policies to recruit, retain and motivate their employee and also to future research. Keywords: Labor Pension Act, Work motivation, Work involvement, Work satisfaction and Organizational commitment.


20.Robbins, S.P. (1993),“ Organizational Behavior ”Englewood
4. 成之約(2005),《勞退新制對中小企業的影響與因應》,國家政策研究基金會電子報。
23.陳吳政 (2002),「組織文化、領導行為、工作滿足與組織承諾之關係研究-以嘉南地區銀行為例」,成功大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。
1.Adams J.S. (1963),“ Toward and understanding of inequity ” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,67,422-436.


