  • 學位論文


Studies on the synthesis and optical properties of Polymer/clay nanocomposites for diffusion films

指導教授 : 廖建勛


本研究主要是進行擴散膜的改質,以製備高霧度質(Hz)與高穿透率(TT)的擴散膜,利用粉體擴散劑與奈米粉體添加於壓克力樹脂溶液中進行旋轉塗佈,尋找霧度值、穿透度等光學性質的最佳成分組成。一般的擴散膜光學特性的霧度值是85 %、穿透度85 %,通常擴散膜的穿透度越高越好,但是提高穿透度其霧度值會下降。較低的霧度值會影響到對LCD背光燈的遮蔽。因此,此研究的目的除提升擴散膜的穿透度外,並維持其霧度值。於實驗中配製複合材料奈米粉體,並進行奈米粉體疏水性改質,將此粉體進行微波乳化反應控制其粒徑分佈。最後添加到擴散膜溶液中進行混合,再進行旋轉塗佈成膜,量測其光學性質並以光學顯微鏡觀察粒子分佈情形。實驗結果顯示擴散膜添加經過改質的粉體,其光學性質霧度值是87 %,而穿透度由85 %提升達到90 %。


To prepare the diffuser film with high haze and transmittance, the diffuser particle and nanoparticle are blended with PMMA solution and spin coated onto the glass substrate. The formulation of diffuser film for the optimum optical properties is studied in this research using experimental Taguchi method. Usually, the required haze and transmittance for the diffuser film are about 85%. Though the higher transmittance is preferred, but the haze decreases with increasing transmittance. The target to achieve in this study is to enhance the transmittance of diffuser film and to keep the haze. The various particle sizes of nanoparticles are prepared with hydrophobic surface modification by microwave-assisted emulsion polymerization. The optical properties of spin coated film are measured along with microscopic morphology of particle distribution in the diffuser film. The results reveal that the obtained diffuser film possesses optimum optical properties of 87% haze and 90% transmittance.


nanocomposites diffusion film PMMA haze transmittance


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