  • 學位論文


Grid-based Node Scheduling Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks

指導教授 : 賴國華


在無線感測網路中,每個感測器的電力都是有限的,而且因為感測器是散佈在人們難以接近或是很惡劣的區域,所以很難更換感測器的電池或補充電力。因此如何延長監測目標區域的時間在無線感測網路就扮演著一個很重要的角色。 在此篇論文,我們提出了建立在網格上的排程演算法來減少額外的電力消耗藉此來達到延長監測目標區域的時間。首先我們在保證每個網格區域是完整覆蓋的前提下針對每個網格內的感測器來做分組,接著讓每組輪流的監測網格區域來達到延長每個網格的監測時間。可是,儘管我們保證了每個網格都完整覆蓋了,但在任兩個相鄰的網格之間還是會存在著重疊覆蓋的區域。所以接著我們會在不影響覆蓋率的前提下,藉由找到相鄰網格之間多餘的感測器並關閉它們來減少額外電力的消耗並降低重覆覆蓋的區域。從模擬的結果來看,與TTS 和E-leach 相比,網格節點排程演算法有良好的效能表現。我們的方法能降低額外電量的消耗並在保證目標區域完整覆蓋的情況下降低節點的個數。


In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), due to that sensor nodes have limited energy and it's difficult to recharge or replace the batteries. So scheduling play an important role in WSNs. In this paper, we proposed a grid-based node scheduling algorithm which can reduce the overall system energy consumption thus extending the system lifetime. First, we investigate the relationship of the intersection points between the sensor node and the sides of the grid. Via the investigation of the intersection points, we proposed mono-grid algorithm to separate the nodes into subsets while each subset guarantee the grid area is full cover. We further present multi-grid algorithm to turn off the redundant node through estimating the coverage degree of the nodes. Using extensive simulation in ns2, we demonstrate that the grid-based scheduling can reduce energy consumption and the active node density decrease up to 83% while maintaining the coverage.


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