  • 學位論文


A Comparative Analysis of Automatic Meter Reading Solutions By Using Modbus Technology

指導教授 : 王仲淳


用戶自動讀表系統Modbus 解決方案可行性評估與探討 研究生:陳 德 貴 指導教授:王仲淳 博士 元 智 大 學 電 機 工 程 學 系 電 機 通 訊 學 院 摘   要 隨著科技產業的蓬勃發展,智慧型電能管理網路,因應電業自由化的潮流,應用現代微處理與網路通訊的技術,開發「智慧型電表」、「自動讀表系統」、「大樓卅家庭節能自動化系統」,以建立電業與電戶間的通訊網路,並據以執行,「自動讀表」、「時間電價」、「即時電價」及「直接負載控制」等整體電能管理措施,以有效節約電能。以此電能管理網路基礎,可衍生各種「加值用戶服務」(如家庭自動化、能源管理、保全服務、資訊服務等)以迎接未來資訊化生活型態,進而創造新的市場與商機。 因應資訊家電網路通訊時代的來臨,經由家庭自動化能源管理系統,以整合家庭網路內各家電裝置之操作,以達到家電資訊溝通及家庭電力能源之有效經濟管理,係為未來電力能源管理技術中之一項主流。透過室內家庭網路以作控制命令及資訊的傳遞,經由適當的電力能源控制策略,以達到家電設備操作之全面自動化、智慧化及經濟化,利用Modbus網路通訊技術,並搭配相關控制模組,就技術面及消費端負荷進行分析研究,條列出各方案之優缺點。 本論文將就用戶自動讀表系統整合課題上,提出就理論面、技術面、及實務面之方案探討與研究,並以獨立學術及實務的角度做公正評估,提供台電公司及經濟部能源局參考運用。 本研究論文將針對建築物內之電力、空調等能源控制系統透過系統設計法進行實驗模擬建置之研究,選取數位式表頭將表頭所量計之數值經由網際網路傳輸方式連接至中央監控系統。並設計一套可提供使用戶上網瀏覽,及控制端可即時監測、讀取數值,並進行即時遠端遮斷及復歸控制的操作網頁,在以實際案例模擬電力及空調使用流量的情形進行監測、讀取儲存,並執行遠端遮斷及復歸控制的智慧型電力及空調自動讀表控制系統。


A Comparative Analysis of Automatic Meter Reading Solutions By Using Modbus Technology Student:Te-Kuei Chen Advisor:Dr. Jong-Chwen Wang Submitted to Department of Electrical Engineering College of Electrical and Communication Engineering Yuan Ze University ABSTRACT With flourishing development of science and technologies, and because of the continuous electrical industrial liberalization and internet applications, intelligent management information networks are starting to utilize modern telecommunication technologies to develop “Automatic Meter Reading ” systems, which is capable of reading “power consuming related data” from the electrical system of each customer unit automatically through the internet. Other related tasks are to develop “intelligent meters”, and “building/home automation system” etc. and to implement “Automatic readings”, “time electricity billing”, “instant electricity billing”, and “direct load control” etc. on overall electrical energy managements for effective energy conservation and utilization. With this new “Automatic Meter Reading” system in place, for buildings, communities and residential housing units, it will provide various kinds of added user services (Such as home automation, energy conservation & management, information service, remote control and monitoring, home security etc.) to meet customers’ higher living demands/standards in the future information age and it will also create/expand new markets and business opportunities in home automation and entertainments. In this study, a comparative analysis will be performed using Modbus based technologies to assess technology applicability, to evaluate overall system performance and life time costs and reliability etc. For this project, on the issue of “ System Integration of the developed “Automatic Meter Reading”, vigorous examinations will be done from three viewpoint directions, i.e. principles, technology and practicality. Independent assessment and evaluation will be carried out and analytical results will be presented to governmental organizations and officers such as The Taiwan Power Company and Energy Source Bureau of the Ministry of Economy for consultations and references. This project will design the law and carry on the studying of experiment simulation construction through the system to such energy control systems as the electricity in the building, air conditioner,etc., Dr.eye: choose the gauge outfit of several types and connect the number value that quantity counts of the gauge outfit to the central monitoring system via internet network transmission means. Design one set and can offer and use the family to surf the Net to browse through, and the control end can monitor, read number value immediately, carry the operation webpage controlled in interdiction and involution far immediately, is using the situation of the flow to monitor, read storing with the simulation electricity of real case and air conditioner, carry out and carry intelligent electricity and air conditioner controlled in interdiction and involution and read the form control system automatically far.


[4] SIEMENS,9300 Power Meter User Guide,pp.7 & 37,,2001。
[15] DIALOG NewsRoom
Dialog® File Number 992 Accession Number 761066045
Modbus to LAN Ethernet
Factory Equipment News , Thursday , January 8, 2004。


