  • 學位論文


A Study of Product Innovation Model in Conjunction with Knowledge Management System: Case of Quanta Computer Inc.

指導教授 : 盧煜煬


坊間對於知識管理的著作不勝枚舉,內容不外乎揭櫫知識管理的重要性,以及知識的分類、轉移及如何做好知識管理的理論論述。同時亦有許多的軟體公司戮力於發展知識管理系統,其目的不外乎希望將知識做一有效的分類及再利用,以方便使用者對於其他人的經驗及知識作查詢、參考的作用。但是,如果空有一套建置完整的知識管理系統,但卻無法從其中攫取恰當的知識來遂行個人或企業的特定目的,那麼即便是擁有再豐富的內容的系統也無法產生任何的作用。 「創新」是現今許多個人及企業念茲在茲及追求的目標,但「創新」如果沒有基礎的理論依據再佐以豐沛的知識及經驗加以判別,則易流於空談甚或不切實際,如此結果非僅浪費個人時間,更可能消耗企業甚或社會的資源。 是故,企業奉知識管理為圭臬,戮力推廣知識管理教育,建置知識管理系統等行為,其實都僅是在做基本功。真正要能像彼得.杜拉克所說的:「做對的事(Do the Right Things)」,還需要以相關的要素來加以檢測及過濾知識管理系統的內容,並加以應用。 本研究的目的便是希望找出這些要素,並以系統化的模型來探討企業應如何運用現存的知識管理系統,來達成「創新」的目標,並對相關企業提出建議。


There’re plenties of studies and researches in regard to knowledge management in the field, all are addressing the importantance of “Knowledge management”, and the process of knowledge categorization & transaction. In the meantime, many software companies are also developing the “Knowledge Management System: KMS” to help corporation or individual to classify and re-use their knowledge, also to help other users to leverage those information in the KMS more effective. However, if there’s a well-constructed KMS in place, but users can’t retrieve appropriate information to complete their task to meet any specific purpose, then KMS won’t be able to do any help. “Innovation” is what every corporation hoping to achieve. But “Innovation” needs not only the fundamental theoretics but also rich knowledge and experience. Otherwise, “Innovation” will be only a slogan, not just impractical but also wasting the time and resources of a corporation and the society. Therefore, it is just a fundamental work to implement the knowledge management into the corporate activities and to contruct the KMS. We’ll need more factors to help to examine and filter the content out in KMS. This thesis aims at finding out all these factors and to explore how corporation can better use their KMS in a systematic way as to achieve the taget of “Innovation”.


1.Coakes,Elayne.,“ Knowledge Management: Current Issues
and Challenges”,IRM Press, 2003
into Practice”,Elsevier/Butterworth Heineman, 2005
3.Kermally, Sultan.,“ Effective Knowledge Management: A
Best Practice Blueprint”,Wiley, 2002


