  • 學位論文


The Study of Evaluation System of Sub-Contractor for TFT-LCD

指導教授 : 鄭春生


近年來,資訊技術 (information technology, IT) 之發展已被視為二十一世紀高科技產業規劃的重要項目,而顯示器 (display) 乃是資訊技術發展中極為重要之一環,已有50年歷史的陰極射線映像管 (cathode ray tube, CRT) ,逐漸被輕、薄、短、小之液晶顯示器 (liquid crystal display, LCD) 所取代。 在中小尺寸TFT-LCD產業競爭日益劇烈情況下,業者為強化競爭力紛紛將產能及品質系統等優質化,才能在競爭激烈的市場上求生存。其中基於降低製造成本之策略考量,業者將原尺寸之投入基板由生產大尺寸面板轉型為中小尺寸面板,因而衍生在相同之投入數下產出大增,同時尚需考慮市場供需之季節性變化,故不額外投資擴廠擴線以分擔營運風險等考量因素下,代工策略因而相繼衍生。鑒於目前有關TFT-LCD外包評鑑之學術研究不多,且無適當交流管道,多數靠個人經驗累積而來,故希望藉由本研究對TFT-LCD產業外包評鑑制度之專家訪談,透過學術研究整理分析所得之結果,期可供相關產業參考,並冀望對台灣企業於外包評選制度之研究有所貢獻。


TFT-LCD 代工 外包商


Information technology (IT) is one of the most important techniques of the 21 century and display plays an important role in the IT world. The TFT LCD monitors substitute the CRTs that have been used for longer than 50 years step by step. The key characteristics of TFT LCD are light, slim and small. In order to gain profits and stand well in the competitive small/middle FPD (Flat Panel Display) markets, companies should enhance their quality system and enlarge the capacity. The strategy of outsourcing is introdued to reduce the risk with transforming large size into small/middle size FPD. These risks include costs, changeable and un-predictive market and large investment of facility and manufacturing equipments. For these years, outsourcing evaluation systems have received little attention and most of them were set up by the personnel experience without standard rule. This research provides a new outsourcing evaluation system of small/middle size FPD by collecting information from experts and analysing through academic research. The evaluation procedure proposed in this research can provide enterprise with the necessary experience and advice gives the enterprise a proper model to choose the best subcontractor and it is useful for companies to adopt in the future.


TFT LCD outsourcing subcontractor


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