  • 學位論文


A Discrepancy Study of Quality System between the Cross-Strait through Cultural Value Diffenrence

指導教授 : 陳啟光


邁入21世紀新經濟時代,全國各國紛紛加入世界貿易組織(WTO),台灣也隨著這波趨勢加入WTO,且國際分工的普及,台灣企業所面臨到的是來自於全球企業的挑戰,為了有效降低生產成本,台商紛紛選擇到中國大陸投資,希望藉由同文同種且同語言的優勢下,有效管理大陸員工並為企業帶來巨大的收益。由於整個投資模式的改變,導致台商投資大陸的方式,形成了「跨地分工」的型態,台灣企業將技術較高的研究開發、設計及附加價值較高的業務行銷留在台灣,而把製造中心移往大陸,藉此降低生產成本,而形成「垂直分工」的模式。然而生產製造中心的設置,就必須有一套品質系統加以管制所生產的產品品質 本研究是以海峽兩案台商所投資的電子產業通過ISO 9001:2000品質系統為研究樣本,探討海峽兩岸是否會因為國家文化價值觀的差異,而造成品質系統執行上的差異。透過本次的問卷分析,本研究重要發現如下: ?? 海峽兩岸台商所投資的電子產業,其內部員工在「國家文化價值觀」上沒有顯著差異。 ?? 海峽兩岸台商所投資的電子產業,在「品質系統」上其中有「管理責任」及「產品實現」兩構面有顯著差異。


As Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization(WTO), firms in Taiwan must faced competition from global. For reducing manufacturing cost effectively, enterprises in Taiwan choose to move into China. They hope to take the advantage which is under the same cultures as well as the same language, they could manage the employees effectively and make great profit. As a result of change of investment model, it results in「Division of Labor Cross the Strait」. They kept R&D, design and marketing, high value added functions, in Taiwan and moved production function to China to reduce the production cost. With setup of manufacturing center in China, there must be a quality system to control the production quality. In this study report, we focus registered electronic firms between the Cross-Strait whose quality system is certified ISO 9001:2000. The purpose to study is to see whether the discrepancy of cross- strait cultural values will affect implementation on quality system. After analyzing 176 copies of questionnaires back from our target firms, we found some interesting results as below. ?? No difference in terms of recognition national cultural values between the Cross-Strait. ?? There is conspicuous difference on quality system in terms of responsible of the management and accomplish of the products.


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