  • 學位論文


The Logistics Operating Modeling Carried Out In Home And Store Dispatching- A Case Study Based on Kyyo Company in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林耀欽


實體物流體系的完整與否一直都是虛擬電子商務發展的關鍵議題,而電子商務的興起,更刺激了物流的發展,而不同以往傳統的物流,電子商務對於物流的要求,門檻似乎愈來愈高。因此,不少的電子商店,慢慢將物流作業,委外給第三方物流來處理,如此業者可以省去租用倉庫的資金開銷,相關的物流系統及管理人員的費用,都可以節省下來。因此,如此的物流委外,不外乎是現今電子商務的一個主流模式,業者也能更彈性的來面對多變的物流需求。 而專業物流面對電子商務快速、高效率的需求,及實體配送商品的小量多品項、到便利商店取貨等特點,對於專業物流都是個不小的挑戰。因此,本研究以個案公司為對象,提出以下研究問題: 一、店配、宅配對凱耀而言,有哪些作業模式不同? 二、在電子商務的影響下,店配、宅配產生了哪些作業流程的改造,以符合現代物流需求? 本研究以探索性研究設計,針對個案公司如此的一個傳統倉庫業者,為滿足現代電子商務的需求,在透過宅配、店配作業流程的不斷改造過程中,比較其宅配作業與店配作業的不同處,及考量是否達成企業的經營績效,最後並提出9點命題;從命題中發現,個案公司透過配送作業的資訊化,以達到作業流程的變革,及結合了便利商店的創新店配配送模式,開拓了不同的客源,如此以提升企業的經營績效。


A complete logistics system has always been one of the keys to E-commerce success. In recent years, the advent of E-commerce has stimulated the development of logistics systems. The traditional logistics systems thus no longer meet the E-commerce’s enormous logistics demands. Therefore, many existed E-shops gradually outsourced their logistics to the third party for more economical benefits. Logistics outsourcing is then seen as the mainstream whereas proprietors are able to handle customers’ needs flexibly. This thesis is using a case study to illustrate how one company struggles to accommodate E-commerce demands through home dispatching and store dispatching. In the end, there will be nine points concluded to demonstrate how IT and its generated logistics operating modeling can help the company sustain and attract customers to reach its later impressive performance.


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