  • 學位論文


Exploring the Early intervention services Delivery from Relationship Networks–the Six Cases Study of Case Management Center

指導教授 : 湯玲郎


每個孩子都是父母親手中的心肝寶貝,他們誕生與成長的背後都滿載著許多的希望與期待。然而並非每一位小朋友在成長過程中都是如此順利地長大,有一些孩子他們在某些地方的發展上也許比同年齡的孩童來的遲緩。根據世界衛生組織的統計,發展遲緩兒的盛行率大約為6%-8%,若以台灣兒童人口估算,全國約有10 萬名兒童可能發生發展遲緩的問題。 早期療育主要由跨單位共同完成,不論是在行政、醫療、社福亦或是教育都會影響到發展遲緩兒是否可以完整的接受到早期療育的服務。故本研究將以六家早期療育個案管理中心為例來瞭解各機構間如何合作、協調讓整個早期療育服務更加穩定,主要探討早期療育服務輸送體系以及各單位關係網絡的狀況。 本研究之設計主要以質性研究中的個案研究法為主。研究發現個案管理中心主要以多重需求個案的家庭需求為出發點;而不同家長間相互討論與扶持的成效會比社工員所帶來的效益更大。此外,社會的價值觀會間接造成家庭成員的壓力因此在這部分需要政府多加倡導。而各單工作上常常會因角度與立場的不同而造成摩擦,若是彼此可以站在對方的角度多加思考可讓溝通與合作更加順暢。此外,不同社福單位介入個案家庭時,常常會有權責分配不均的狀況,因此彼此需要針對單一個案共同討論分工問題避免資源重複使用。


All children are parents’s babies in hand, their birth and growth have many hope behind. Howerever, not all children growthing is so successfully. There are some children delays in their body than the same age children. Acoording to the World Health Organization statistics, the prevalence of children with developmental delay of approximately 6% -8%, it estimated that about 10 million children nationwide may arise the question of developmental delay if use the child population in Taiwan. Early intervention use the inter-units collaboration, it will affect the developmental delayed children receive a complete service in dministrative, medical, social welfare or education. The study use the six case management centers to understand how collaboration in different agencies. And to explore early intervention services delivery and releationship networks in different agencies. The study uses the case study methods in qualitative study. The case management center main responsibility on multiple demand case’s families and discussion each other the households have more benefit then the social workers. And the society's values will be indirectly caused by the pressure of family members, so the part of the need to advocate for the Government to pay more. In addition often caused by friction of different units that because the single point of views different on each agency. The work is often the single point of view and the position will be caused by friction of different, f each can stand to think more in each other's point of view allows a more smooth communication and cooperation. In addition, it ofeten have the situation of uneven distribution of powers and responsibilities when different social units to intervene case’s family. So each agency needs foucs on single case with each other to discuss the division of resources to avoid the repeated use of resources.


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