  • 學位論文


The Effect of Test Difficulty on Reading Comprehension Performance Using the Cooperative Testing Procedure

指導教授 : 蔣湧濤
共同指導教授 : 田雅客(Jakob Dempsey)


本研究旨在調查一所國民中學實施合作式測驗對學生閱讀理解測驗之成效,並探究試題難易度對採用合作式測驗的學生在閱讀理解之影響。本研究使用量的研究方法。研究資料是收集於學生前測和後測考試的成績、六次小考的成績以及課堂觀察。研究對象包含60位就讀於高雄市一所中學的一年級學生,(30位為實驗組;另30位為對照組)。在研究期間,實驗組接受合作式測驗的訓練;至於對照組則接受傳統式測驗之訓練。 研究結果顯示在教學法實施後2組都有進步,但是,實驗組進步的幅度比對照組還要多,所以此研究中的結果顯示接受六週反覆的測驗訓練後,實驗組在閱讀理解測驗的表現比對照組好。試題難易度對實驗組與對照組在初期的測驗訓練的表現並沒有明顯的影響,然而在訓練後期,實驗組在困難試題的表現上明顯比對照組好。 合作式測驗練習對於加強學生的閱讀理解能力有正向的影響,此練習方法可以融入國中英語教學使學生之閱讀理解訓練更具成效。


This study aimed to examine the effect of the cooperative testing practice on the reading comprehension performance in a junior high school in Taiwan, and to explore effect of test difficulty on the reading comprehension performance using the cooperative testing procedure. Research data were collected form pre- and post-test of students’ reading comprehension tests, six quizzes, and classroom observation. The participants were 60 first graders in a junior high school in Kaohsiung (30 as the experimental group; and the other 30 as the control group). During the research period, the two research groups received two different treatments, respectively. The experimental group was asked to take a quiz using the cooperative testing procedure while the control group took a quiz in a traditional, individual way. Each participant from the two groups took the pre- and post-tests alone before and after the treatment, respectively. The results showed that both groups improved after the treatment; however, the experimental group made more progress than the control group on the post-test. The experimental group outperformed the control group in a test of reading comprehension after receiving a six week treatment. Although test difficulty did not appear to be a factor at the early stages of the treatment, some difference in performance occurred between the two groups near the end of the training period. It seems to suggest that test difficulty might be beginning to show some effect on the reading performance of the students who took a quiz using the cooperative testing procedure. Cooperative testing seemed to have a positive impact on improving students’ reading comprehension performance; it could be implemented in English classroom in Taiwan.


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