  • 學位論文


A study on junior high school studentsʹconsumption value, interpersonal influence and behavior of purchasing fake famous brand products in Taoyuan county

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


因台灣國民所得每年逐漸增加,大家對名牌普遍有認同感,且為數不少的消費者是崇尚名牌的,這股風氣自然影響到青少年的消費行為,但名牌價值不裴,故青少年可能轉而購買仿冒名牌。本研究主要探討國中生之消費價值觀與人際影響對仿冒名牌之態度及購買意願,使用樣本以桃園縣國中生為主,採便利取樣共發出731份,問卷乃參酌文獻用於衡量消費價值觀及人際影響對購買意願之量表,來進行資料蒐集。本研究運用敘述統計、因素分析、信度分析、相關分析、t檢定及迴歸分析,來瞭解桃園縣國中生之價值觀及人際影響對仿冒品態度、購買意願之差異及相關因素,結果顯示如下: 1.青少年之消費價值觀對仿冒名牌態度意圖與購買意願之關係方面: (1)本研究從多元迴歸分析得知,消費價值觀之物質主義、符號消費、享樂主義、流行焦慮、價格敏感度皆對國中生在仿冒名牌態度及購買意願上無顯著的相關。 (2)但在簡單迴歸分析中得知,物質主義、享樂主義、流行焦慮皆對國中生在仿冒名牌態度及購買意願上顯著的相關。 (3)由以上(1)及(2)可知,有些變數間在彼此交互作用下是會影響其顯著性的。 2.青少年之人際影響關係對仿冒名牌態度意圖和其購買意願之關係方面: (1)炫耀行為會正面的影響到國中生認同仿冒名牌及有購買的意願。 (2)同儕影響特性越明顯的國中生,對仿冒名牌態度較不認同,購買意願無影響。 (3)從眾行為會正面的影響到國中生對仿冒的名牌態度及購買意願。 (4)家庭金錢教養正確與否,會反面的影響到國中生對仿冒名牌態度及購買意願。 3.人口背景變數和青少年對仿冒名牌態度意圖和購買意願之關係方面: (1)不同的男、女生對仿冒名牌態度及購買意願並沒有明顯的差異。 (2)父母教育程度越高者,其子女認同仿冒名牌及購買意願也會越高。 (3)家庭社經地位越高的學生,越有不認同仿冒名牌的態度,但購買意願則不一定。 (4)每月零用錢越多的學生,越不認同仿冒名牌,但不一定有購買仿冒名牌的意願。 根據上述的研究結果,提出建議。


Meanwhile income increases gradually year by year, Taiwan people recognize and accept famous brand product, moreover a large number of consumers are the brand advocates. Such atmosphere affects the youth’s consumption behavior too. Anyhow young people might not be affordable for the high pricing fame brand, then lower pricing counterfeit brand-name becomes as their choice. This study focused on how consumption value and interpersonal relations will impact junior high school students’ attitude and purchase intention on the counterfeit brand. The subjects consisted 731 students from Taoyuan County junior high school. The collected data was analysed by descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, t test and regression analysis. Resulted shown as follows: 1. The relationship among consumption value, counterfeit brand attitude and counterfeit brand purchase intention of the adolescence- (1) The result of multiple regression analysis is no significant correlation with counterfeit brands attitude and/or counterfeit brands purchase intention of junior high school students from Materialism, Consumption of Sign , Hedonism, Fashion anxiety or Price Sensitivity. (2) However, in simple regression analysis that the materialism, hedonism, fashion anxiety of junior high school students are relevant significant correlated with counterfeit brands attitude and counterfeit brands purchase intention. (3) from the above (1) and (2), we can see that some variables, in their interactions the significant would be affected in nature. 2. The affection of counterfeit brands attitude and counterfeit brands purchase intention from interpersonal relationships of the adolescence: (1) Conspicuous shows a positive effect on counterfeit brands attitude and counterfeit brands purchase intention. (2) Peer influence, the more obvious characteristics of the junior high school students, the less the attitude of counterfeit brand-name recognition had no effect on purchase intention. (3) Conformity will be positive impact to the junior high school students on the counterfeiting of brand attitude and purchase intention. (4) The family finance education is proper or not, the impact will be negative to the junior high school students to counterfeit brand attitude and purchase intention. 3. Demographic variables and counterfeit brands attitude and counterfeit brands purchase intention of the adolescence: (1) Gender is not significant different. (2) A higher level of parental education, and counterfeit brand-name recognition of their children and also the higher the willingness to buy. (3) The higher the socioeconomic status of students, the more there is not counterfeit brand-name recognition, anyhow their willness to buy is not confirmed. (4) The more per month pocket money students have, the less agrees with counterfeit brand-name, but willness to buy is not confirmed.


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