  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on the Business Model of the Mobile Game Content Providers in Taiwa

指導教授 : 梁朝雲


行動遊戲被產業研究人士預測為繼圖鈴、手機桌布的下一波殺手級行動娛樂服務之一。因為手機軟硬體技術的提升,吸引內容供應商積極投入市場開發。雖行動遊戲市場未來發展不可小覷,但過去研究大多著重在行動數據服務策略性研究,有關內容供應商之商業模式研究甚少。本研究根據上述重點,提出以下研究目的:(1)了解目前行動遊戲產業現況;(2)納入「異業進入者特性與策略考量」、「異業進入者在行動遊戲服務之商業模式」面向,據此推導台灣行動遊戲內容供應商之商業模式。 透過質性研究之深度訪談法,以內容供應商,包含原生行動遊戲內容供應商與線上遊戲業者,行動通訊系統業者為輔,建構行動遊戲內容供應商之商業模式。研究發現目前台灣行動遊戲產業在產品面上以java單機版遊戲數量最多。基於成本與利潤考量,原生行動遊戲內容供應商以代理遊戲為主。而異業進入者則強調自行開發java單機版遊戲。在遊戲研發上,目前遊戲研發最大困難點在於手機螢幕規格的不統一。在市場參與者的互動情況,原生行動遊戲內容供應商與線上遊戲業者間關係是競爭者也為合作者。內容供應商與系統業者的拆帳比約為85:15。此外,線上遊戲業者在行動遊戲之商業模式與原生行動遊戲內容供應商並無太大差異,因此歸納出行動遊戲內容供應商之商業模式。 目前行動遊戲內容供應商之商業模式在(1)商流部分,因各家系統業者策略不同,因此在java單機版遊戲上,商流向有所差異;(2)資訊流部份,系統業者和國際品牌手機供應商會建置技術文件網站供內供應商下載;(3)金流部分,原生行動遊戲內容供應商因代理遊戲因素,會與國外合作夥伴拆帳產生金流情況。在使用者付費上,大多使用者選擇透過電信帳單付費。


The mobile game industry is predicted as the next “killer” application after ring tone and mobile phone wallpaper services by industrial analysts. Content providers start to exploit market for the reason of the upgrade of mobile phone hardware. The future development of mobile game market cannot be underestimated, but most of relative studies focus on strategic research of mobile data services, and there are few researches on content provider’s business model. Accordingly, this research is aimed at: (1) understanding the current status of the mobile game industry; (2) including constructs of “the characteristics and considerations of different business entrants” and “the business model of different business entrants in the mobile game industry,” and then inducting the business model of Taiwan mobile game content provider. The research conducts in-depth interview to construct the business model of mobile game content provider through interviews with content providers which include original mobile game content providers and online game vendors, and mobile operators. The results show that java console games are the most common products in present Taiwan mobile game industry. The original mobile game content providers are agencies of games because of cost and profit consideration. As for different business entrants, they put emphasis on self-developed java console game. In the R&D of games, the main difficulty is the lack of standardization in mobile phone screen. In the interaction among market participants, the original mobile game content providers and different business entrants are both competitors and cooperators. The ratio of profit sharing between content providers and operators are nearly 85:15. In addition, the business models of online game vendors and original mobile game content providers are similar, this study therefore induct the business model of mobile game content providers. The current business model of mobile game content providers include: (1) business flow: the business flow of java console game is quite different because each operator has different strategies; (2) information flow: operators and international brand mobile phone providers construct technical document website to provider download service for content providers; (3) cash flow: original mobile game content providers share profit with foreign partners because of game agency. In the way of user payment, most users choose to pay via telecom invoices.




