  • 學位論文


2D CMOS Photonic Crystal for Beam Polarization and Beam Modulation in the Parabolic Photonic Crystal Structure of Firefly's Eyes

指導教授 : 柯正浩


利用光子晶體結構所設計的光學元件在近年來的應用變得非常廣泛,本論文也研究了可利用一般IC之CMOS製程的實際參數,來設計二維光子晶體的光調制元件,並成功設計出可以以半導體製程技術做成的光波偏振器的晶片,此研究將積體電路製程用於光子晶體製造,使元件大小由公分等級縮小為微米等級,並可利用IC半導體製程進行光子晶體量產。 另外在生物眼睛的光學特性研究上,此研究是首次將螢火蟲小眼中的錐晶體分成兩種折射率週期性的替換,以形成190層拋物面的結構,在光軸上可看成是由一維的週期性光子晶體結構組成。經由幾何光學原理模擬了整個小眼屈光部分,並根據模擬的光追跡來觀察探討其小眼的輸出行為,再利用轉移矩陣觀察其穿透率。結果發現在小眼光軸上的穿透率有濾波存在,而小眼四周圍的視細胞則無濾波效果存在但可接收其他可見光。故推測小眼中各視細胞可接收不同的光波段。另外討論螢火蟲複眼的聚光效率,計算結果以輸入光為平行光來看的,一顆複眼的重疊影像聚光效率會比並列影像多了大約900倍。並且也發現我們這樣的結構也有徑向梯度折射率存在。


光子晶體 錐晶體 螢火蟲 複眼


In recent years, it is very popular for applying photonic crystal (PC) structure to design optical components. In this thesis, we designed a two-dimensional photonic crystal optical modulator by using the general complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit (IC) processing parameters. Chips of optical polarizer have been successfully designed by adopting the technologies of semiconductor fabrication. This study extends the fabrication of ICs to that of PCs and makes the shrinkage of device dimension from the order of centimeter to that of micrometer possible. Moreover, it is achievable to use the IC processes for the PC production. As to the research for the optical properties of biological eyes, this is the first study to investigate the firefly’s eyes by replacing its crystalline cone with the periodic indices of refraction and constructing a configuration of 190 parabolic layers. It was treated as a one-dimensional periodic photonic crystal on the optical axis. By using the principles of geometric optics, we simulated its dioptric portion and realized its behavior of the visual output according to the optical ray-tracing. We further applied the transfer matrix to observe its transmission and found that there exists the filtering capability on its optical axis. On the contrary, there is no such filtering effect but with the capability of receiving other visible light for the retinal cell nuclei around the axis. It might be deduced that all the retinal cell nuclei of the firefly’s eyes can receive the different range of light wave. Besides, we also discussed the focusing efficiency of the firefly’s eyes. Based on the input of collimating light, the efficiency of an overlapped image focused by a compound eye is higher than that of a parallel image by nine hundred times. Furthermore, there is radial gradient index existing by using such a configuration proposed in this thesis.


Photonic Crystal compound eyes


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