  • 學位論文


A study on community health building: An example on Far Eastern memorial hospital and Shulin city health administration association

指導教授 : 謝登旺
共同指導教授 : 李弘暉


自民國八十八年行政院衛生署推行「社區健康營造計畫」至今,全國已經陸續曾經有三百多個單位成立「社區健康營造中心」,但持續運作者僅存199個,其中永續經營的方式與問題是值得研究。板橋市亞東紀念醫院於民國八十八年申請成立樹林市社區健康營造中心,推動衛生署健康營造三年計畫,以樹林市為健康營造標的,在執行計畫期間與樹林市建立夥伴關係共同營造社區健康,並於民國91年協助地區成立樹林市健康營造協會,延續社區健康營造,深切配合政府健康營造之未來政策並切合社區營造之理念在地化永續經營。 本研究採質性研究之個案研究法,運用深度訪談為主之資料收集法,以社區工作的觀點,針對個案作深入之分析及討論,俾對社區健康營造永續經營的研究有所貢獻,期望能達到以下之研究目的: 一、瞭解亞東醫院對樹林市健康營造之過程 二、分析亞東醫院與樹林市健康營造協會之關係轉變過程 三、解釋樹林市健康營造協會推動社區健康營造永續經營時所面臨到的困難及問題 四、研擬提供醫院、公部門、人民團體推動社區健康營造之建議及改進方向 根據研究結果,本研究有下列之研究建議: 一、 對醫院方面 1.打破以量化資料為健康營造成果之衡量指標。 2. 若以醫院為健康營造中心承辦單位則建議以社會工作部門或社工專業人員負責業務單位之窗口。 二、 對公部門方面 1.權力下放,申請門檻降低。 2.加強人民團體文書作業之訓練。 3. 運用當地既有之人民團體組織進行健康營造中心在地化之移轉以利永續經營。 4. 以當地公共衛生基層單位為健康營造之衛生專業支援單位。 三、 對健康營造協會方面 1.提升健康專業識能。 2.善用公部門資源。 3.配合地方產業發展社區健康營造解決經費問題。 4.與其他健康營造中心或人民團體標竿學習吸取經驗。


There were more than three hundred of community health building centers been organized around the country since the “community health promotion program” was executed by Department of Health, Executive Yuan in 1999, but up to now, only 199 health community centers were operated continually. The research focus on the difficulties and methods of business continuity are of great worth. The Banqiao city Far Eastern memorial hospital was applied to establish the Shulin city health administration center in 1999. The Far Eastern memorial hospital had developed a good partnership with Shulin city during the 3-years“community health promotion program” and helped to construct the Shulin city health administration association in 2002. In this study, a case study of qualitative research method was used to collect information by “in depth” interviewing to explore and analyse deeply this specific case in the viewpoint of community work. The purposes of this study are as follows: 1. Understand the empowered process of Far Eastern memorial hospital and Shulin city health administration association. 2. Analysis of the relationship transitional process between Far Eastern memorial hospital and Shulin city health administration association. 3. Explain the troubles and problems that social community would face during business continually of community health building. 4. Provide advises and improved directions for social community keep enforcing community health building. According our research results, we would like to make some advises in three directions: 1. For hospital (1) Break the myth of using quantification data as a measurement index of health building achievement. (2) We suggested that a social work department of hospital should deal with the health building business if the hospital served as a sponsoring unit of health building center. 2. For public department (1) Decentralization and reduce the limitation of application. (2) Enhance the training of social community in paperwork. (3) In order to operate continually, localization transition of health building center from present organization of social community should be performed. (4) The local public health grassroots unit should serve as a professional support of community health building center. 3. For Shulin city health administration (1) Promote the professional knowledge and abilities of health. (2) Take good utility of public resource. (3) Solve the budget problem by combining local industries with community health building. (4) Experience exchange and bench marking with other health building centers or social communities.


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