  • 學位論文


The Research of Spare Parts and Customer Satisfaction :A case of Lexus

指導教授 : 陳家祥


台灣在加入WTO後,汽車市場面臨重新洗牌,廠商亦面臨空前未有的競爭壓力。台灣市場相對其他國家,市場規模小、品牌種類繁多,價格破壞較為嚴重,促銷活動多樣化。汽車業在此微利時代既要滿足客戶多元需求,又要提升自我競爭優勢,以期能提高獲利。在新車的銷售已經不再成為獲利的主要來源情況下,近年來轉向深耕售後維修市場。維繫顧客高滿意程度,並進而提升忠誠度,為行銷策略及所有售後服務人員所努力追求方向。而「顧客滿意、品質第一」不再只是口號,反而成為競爭者的利基,誰能讓「顧客滿意」並落實「顧客關懷」,誰就能掌握商機創造利益。 本研究以個案研究方式,探討個案公司-和泰汽車所代理LEXUS品牌零件供應鏈之驅動因子對服務品質及顧客滿意度影響之研究,進而達成「在企業獲利前提下,了解零件供應政策及顧客滿意之關係」及「探討其成功因素,以作為同業或學術研究參考」之目的。 以個案公司連續九年獲得J.D.POWER CSI第一名成績得知其關鍵成功因素為透過資訊科技的進步,幫助了企業從客戶角度出發,拉近與顧客間之距離,改善對顧客整體服務,而全員持續改善心態,更將競爭由公司對公司轉化為供應鏈對供應鏈之型態,其所能創造價值不論是對顧客或是供應鏈各階夥伴亦遠高於以往傳統式競爭,最終達到共創價值,共享價值之成就。最後研究結論如下: 1.完善服務對品牌價值的確保 2.售後服務成為主要獲利來源 3.差異化服務擴大與競爭者之距離 4.良好服務品質提昇顧客滿意及忠誠度 5.成為各國代理商中之典範


The auto market is facing the huge pressure after Taiwan joint WTO; comparing to other countries, Taiwan has limited market, various brands, different promotional and price is negotiable, therefore, automobile in this “Meager Profit Time” is not only to fit customers’ satisfaction, but also improve its advantage in order to increase profit. As the business style changed, the sale of automobile is not the majority source to make profit; after- care service seems well developed to maintain the market then to raise customers’ satisfaction, further to customers’ loyalty. However, “customers’ satisfaction and best quality” is not only a slogan, on the other hand, it becomes a niche for competitors whoever reaches customers’ satisfaction and customers’ care, and are able to make great benefit on business. The research adapted Lexus spare parts supply as the case as the key factor affects service quality and customers’ satisfaction, in order to “understand the policy of spare parts supply and customers’ satisfaction for enterprise make profit” and “research the successful factors for the reference of similar industries or academic research”. Lexus has earned the first of J.D. Power CSI for nine years and the key success factor is through the information technology that helps the company in the position of customers, and then gets improved in customer service; moreover, make the business model from competitor’s turns to supply chain; the value either to customers or to partners in supply chain are higher than traditional competition, and the final achievement is for both of them. The conclusion of the research draws attention as the following: 1.To ensure the completely service toward brand value 2.After service is the main source for making profit 3.Service differentiation expanded the distance with competitors 4.Good service quality raises customers’ satisfaction and loyalty 5.Become the best business model among distributors worldwide


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