  • 學位論文


A View on Political Participation of Hakka Ethnicity Settling in Taoyuan County from the Perspective of Regime Shifts between North-Minnan and South-Hakka

指導教授 : 劉阿榮


從北閩南客政治輪替看桃園縣客家族群的政治參與 學生:黃寶漣 指導教授:劉阿榮博士 元智大學資訊社會學研究所 摘 要 本論文在探究1951年之後桃園縣北閩南客政治輪替的現象,主要在瞭解形成桃園縣北閩南客族群分布以及政治輪替的歷史意義和未來發展,進而分析在北閩南客輪政之下,客家族群政治參與的表現,並據此省思族群與政治的關係。在研究方法上,以質性研究為取向;研究的對象為北桃園六個鄉鎮市,和南桃園的六個鄉鎮市;族群人口的認定以2004年客委會委託「全國客家人口基礎資料調查研究」的報告推估為依據;以半結構深度訪談,解析桃園縣特殊族群政治現象在人們內心深處的感受。研究結果如下: 一、閩客移民開墾桃園的歷史過程,遷入時間、地理環境、生活語言、族群群聚、行政劃分等因素,形成南北桃園族群壁壘分明現象。 二、多年來的族群互動、社會變遷,北桃園的人口數及地方建設逐漸優於南桃園,閩客族群人口也由五五比逐漸拉開,族群關係從閩客對立到多元族群。 三、北閩南客政治輪替在國民黨與宗親地方派系互為依恃的關係下,影響桃園地方政治數十年;政治民主化後,政治資源的競爭,從族群分配的因素,轉為政黨對立的局勢,南北輪政默契不再鞏固。 四、南北輪政在早期有平息族群紛爭的功用,但對客家族群發展未見成效。 五、平衡地方族群仍是政黨考量因素,栽培優秀政治人才對客家參政更重要。 依據研究發現,分別對政府族群政策、客家族群,及其他族群提出建議,並建議未來研究之方向。 關鍵字:客家、閩南、族群、政治參與、南北輪政


客家 閩南 族群 政治參與 南北輪政


A View on Political Participation of Hakka Ethnicity Settling in Taoyuan County from the Perspective of Regime Shifts between North-Minnan and South-Hakka Graduate Student: Huang, Pao-Lien Advisor: Professor Liu, A-Ron Yuan Ze University Graduate School of Social Informatics Abstract This paper is intended to understand the historical meaning and future development of the ethnic distribution of north-Minnan (Kokkien) and south-Hakka in Taoyuan County, and the regime shifts between both through a full exploration of the phenomenon of regime shifts between north-Minnan (Kokkien) and south-Hakka in Taoyuan County since 1951, and further to criticize the political participation and performance of Hakka ethnicity under regime shifts between north-Minnan (Kokkien) and south-Hakka, and also to reflect the relationship between ethnicity and politics. This study was to adopt qualitative research methods, and to conduct a semi-structured in-depth interview by focusing on 6 towns or cities in northern Taoyuan and 6 towns or cities in southern Taoyuan where the recognition of ethnic population depended on the estimation report for the Investigation and Research of Basic Information of Nationwide Hakka Population made by the Council for Hakka Affairs through external commission in 2004 in order to analyse people’s innermost feelings for the political phenomenon of specific ethnicity of Taoyuan County. The findings of this study are described below: 1. The phenomenon of north-Minnan and south-Hakka in Taoyuan area has occurred that is related with the historical process of Minnan ad Hakka people migrating into Taoyuan, and also other factors such as migration time, geographical environment, living language, ethnic clustering and demarcation of administrative district. 2. For years’ ethnic interaction and social change, it resulted in the population and local development of northern Taoyuan being gradually superior to those of southern Taoyuan, the population gap from original half-Minnan and half-Hakka being enlarging day by day, and the ethnic relationship having changed from an opposition between Minnan and Hakka to the existence of diverse ethnicity. 3. Regime shifts of north-Minnan and south-Hakka surviving in the dependent relationship between Kuomintang (KMT) and local factions has deeply influenced Taoyuan’s local politics for decades. After political democratization, the competition of political resources is expanding by transiting from ethnic distribution to an opposition between political parties, which may destroy an unvoiced pact of regime shifts between both. 4. In the early stages, regime shifts between both may function to quell ethnic disputes, but they seem to be not much helpful to the development of Hakka ethnicity. 5. The balance of local ethnicity is still the first consideration of political party today; however, for political participation of Hakka ethnicity, cultivating potential political talents should be the most urgent. Based on the facts stated above, suggestions for ethnic policy, Hakka ethnicity and other ethnic groups in addition to the orientation of future research may be submitted here for further reference. Keywords: Hakka, Minnan, ethnicity, political participation, regime shifts between north-Minnan and south-Hakka


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