  • 學位論文

企業行銷策略之研究 以電源供應器廠商-A公司為例

Marketing Strategy in Corporate - A case study on A Inc., the manufacturer of power supply

指導教授 : 李弘暉


當前全球資訊産業蓬勃發展,在此大環境之下,我國國內的電子資訊産業把握機遇,引進高新技術發展高科技人才,目前電子資訊産品在全球已經佔據了重要的市場地位,尤其是Switching Power Supply。但是自98年起,亞洲金融風暴、個人用戶低價電腦風潮的出現,造成了全球性電子資訊市場景氣低迷,SPS需求飽和。因此導致了國內市場競爭激烈,不少下游SPS生産廠商被合併或倒閉。鑒於市場競爭狀況及行業發展趨勢,國內的電源供應器生産廠商不論其規模大小都對各自的産品策略、行銷策略進行調整。 爲了討論企業行銷策略,本文選擇國內的一家電源供應器生産廠商進行研究。以期得到以下研究目的: 1、探討電源供應器生産企業目前所面臨的市場競爭環境 2、探討電源供應器生産企業競爭優劣勢 3、探討電源供應器生産企業的産品行銷策略 綜合本研究之結果,並將本研究之發現陳述如下: 發現一:公司將戰略定位擺放在了最重要的位置,先追求策略再追求經營效益。 發現二:在產品結構及特性方面的研究發現:A公司的產品主要以電源供應器產品為主,發展的方向是往高端產品發展,突出環保、便利、能耗低等特性。 發現三:在行銷策略方面的研究發現:A公司是在立足於自身的核心競爭力基礎之上擬定行銷各環節的策略,各項策略都貫穿了以市場為導向,以顧客為中心的經營管理思想。 發現四:在行銷競爭模式方面的研究發現:A公司與傳統的電源供應器行業行銷模式不同,採取的是先接訂單再架生產線的模式。 發現五:在行銷策略與競爭競爭分析方面的研究發現:A公司未來在面對經營時,可能會遇見不利因素產生,必須在行銷策略有所調整,方可在營運中更加成長。 關鍵字:行銷策略;電源供應器;模式


Abstract Student : Chang-Ping Liang Advisor : Dr. Hung-Hui Lee The current global information industry develops booming, under the great environment, our country local electronics information industry confidence opportunity, and develop a high-tech talented person in the technique, the electronics information production has already occupied an important market position in the world currently, especially Switching Power Supply. But from 98 years, the emergence of the Asia financial turmoil and personal customer low price calculator unrest make the global electronics information market economic prosperity overcast, the SPS need saturation. Therefore, it causes local market competition vehemence, many downstream SPS produce factories drive merge or close down. Owing to the market competition condition and the profession development trend, the local power supply producers in spite of its scale sizes all adjust themselves each from the product strategy to marketing policy carry. For the sake of the discussion enterprise marketing policy, this work chooses a local power supply factory to carry on a research. The following purpose is what we research: 1、discuss the power supply enterprises’ competition environment. 2、discuss the power supply enterprise how to build its advantage. 3、discuss the marketing strategy of the power supply enterprise. Summarizing the result of this research, we will illustrate the detection as follows: Discover one: The company puts the strategy position at the most important position; firstly pursuing strategy and then pursuing a management performance secondly. Discover two: Discover in the research of the product structure and the characteristic: The products of the A company are mainly the power supply products, the direction of the development is going toward the high product, outstanding the characteristic of environmental protection, convenience, consume lowly etc. Discover three: Discover in the research of the marketing policy: The A company is having a foothold in its core competencies foundation of the oneself and then basic this to make the sells strategy, various strategies all pierced through to take market as to a lead, taking customer as the management center to thought. Discover four: The professional sells a research detection of compete the mode: The sells mode in the A company is have a difference to the traditional power supply companies, which is to adopt to connect order firstly and then to prepare a production line. Discover five: The research based on marketing strategy and competitive analysis has discovered that A Inc. has to readjust its marketing strategy for any disadvantage factors that may occur in the future in order to help the business keep growing. Key words: Marketing Strategy; Switching Power Supply; mode


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