  • 學位論文


The Process of Building Imitation Barrier to Sustain Competitive Advantage: A Case of Weight Management Company

指導教授 : 劉恆逸


現今肥胖帶來的各種問題受到人們的廣泛討論,並且瘦身減肥也成為了大多數人生活中的重要活動。各式各樣的體重控制產品與服務因而不斷地在全球市場中出現。然而現存廠商總是為模仿問題所苦,因為許多新的市場進入者常以模仿他們的經營方式或產品、服務來獲取利潤。所以在防治模仿行為之外,這些市場的先驅也逐一向海外市場發展。而近年台灣即被視為極具潛力的市場,許多世界性的廠牌紛紛進駐台灣,欲在此市場爭取利潤。 因此本研究運用Barney (1991) 和 Peteraf (1993) 的研究架構來探討如何在此產業中追求持續性的競爭優勢,並檢視在此產業中企業的關鍵能耐及策略是否能應用於台灣市場上。此外,本研究提出一策略程序,包含三個階段:起始階段、競爭階段、反擊階段;不同的策略將在這三個階段中分別被使用,來建立在台灣市場的模仿障礙,並追求長久不衰的利潤。


Nowadays, due to the fact that being obese will increase the risk of many diseases and health conditions, issues concerning overweight are discussed all the time, and loosing weight becomes an important activity involved in a lot of people’s daily lives. Different products and services about weight management therefore appear in the global market. However, many new players enter the market by imitating existing firms. Hence incumbent firms are always seeking ways of making imitation ineffective. And recently, Taiwan market has been treated as a new battlefield where global players gather and compete with each other. Therefore, this study explores the key factors that make firms in the weight management industry successful and tries to examine if the same successful factors be applicable in Taiwan market. Furthermore, applying Barney’s (1991) and Peteraf’s (1993) research frameworks, the study proposes a strategic process to gain sustainable competitive advantage in Taiwan market. Different strategies to build isolating mechanism would be implemented in three successive phases: inception, competition, and reaction, respectively.


6.Jean, Jyh-Long, 2007, The analysis of the weight management industry and case studies, Graduated thesis of EMBA program in senior public administration, college of management, National Taiwan University. (簡志龍, 2007, 體重管理產業分析及個案研究)
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