  • 學位論文


The upward influence tactics in Chinese organization

指導教授 : 黃敏萍


組織內,主管與部屬之間的上下互動關係,一直是組織行為研究的重要議題。相較於主管而言,部屬由於缺乏正式職權,因此常會透過影響策略(influence tactics)的選擇運用,來改變主管的行為進而達成自己的目的,我們稱之為向上影響。 過去有關華人對向上影響的研究,大多是沿用西方文獻所蒐集的策略,再拿到華人組織中做驗證。近年來部分學者體認到文化差異的重要性,且皆證實中西方文化的差異會影響向上影響策略的使用。但遺憾的是,我們對於華人組織內的向上影響策略仍然缺乏完整的瞭解。相較於歐美西方文化,華人具有權力距離大、關係取向及重視謀略的特色,因此本研究企圖釐清具有文化特色的華人向上影響策略,以便與西方研究結果進行對話。 本研究採取歸納研究途徑(inductive approach),遵循Kipnis(1980)的研究方法,以開放問卷調查方法,蒐集組織成員向上影響事例。共計蒐集到60份有效問卷,及66項成功的向上影響事例。經過歸類分析,得到3大類,11個向上影響策略,其中第一類為正面直接策略,包括:<以理說服>、<呈現事實>、<柔性訴求>;第二類為求助第三者策略,包括:<藉助專家>、<透過關係>、<聯合>、<越級訴求>;第三類為迂迴婉轉策略,包括:<見機行事>、<投石問路>、<拋磚引玉>、<陽奉陰違>。若與西方策略相比較,正面直接的策略是中西方組織成員均會使用的,且佔有很大比例。而華人重視關係取向的特色則反映在<透過關係>策略的使用。此外,可能由於華人上下屬權力距離大,部屬畏於直接與主管溝通表達意圖,加上華人重視謀略技巧的使用,因此迂迴婉轉的策略為華人組織所特有的,充分展現出華人向上影響策略複雜多變之面貌。 關鍵字:向上影響、文化差異、歸納研究取向


向上影響 文化差異


The interaction between superiors and subordinates is one of the most important research questions in organization behavior studies. Since lacking formal authority, subordinates often use influence tactics to change their superiors’ behaviors and reach their purposes, called “upward influence” Most previous studies usually use upward influence tactics found in western literature as their framework, and test in Chinese organizations. Some researchers are getting aware of the cultural difference and the possible influence on the usage of upward influence tactics. However, we still have very little understanding about the framework of upward influence tactics in Chinese organizations. Comparing with western culture, Chinese culture appears to be higher power distance, relationship-oriented and more strategy –oriented. Therefore, this study tries to find out the unique upward influence tactics in Chinese organization. Following the inductive approach, the study used open questionnaire survey to collect the upward influence events in work organization, which is used by Kipnis(1980). In total, we collected 60 available samples and66successful upward influence tactics. These tactics can be integrated into three categories, and eleven influence tactic. The first category is direct tactics, including rational persuasion, presenting fact, and soft persuasion. The second category is asking help from third party, including asking help from expert, asking help through relationship, coalition and upward appeal. The third category is Indirect ask tactics, including acting according to timing, throwing a stone to clear the way, ostensible obedience and throwing a brick to get a gem in return. Comparing with western literature, direct tactics are common used in both Western and Chinese organization. Asking help through relationship reflects the relationship-orientation characteristic in Chinese society. Besides, due to high power distance and strategy-thinking influence culture, indirect tactics are the special phenomenon in Chinese organizations, which shows the complication of interpersonal interaction in Chinese society. Keywords:Upward influence, cultural difference, inductive approach


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