  • 學位論文


A Study on Emergency Medical System Based on Risks – A Case Study of Typhoon Aere

指導教授 : 丘駿飛


摘 要 緊急醫療救護系統的目的,在於針對平日之緊急傷病患及各項緊急災害造成之傷患,提供全天候緊急且適當的醫療服務,以達到預防死亡與失能,及促進病患健康與福祉為目的。而我國緊急醫療體系歷經了自80年代緊急醫療體系的建置及緊急醫療救護法的通過及施行,發展至今已逐漸步入了軌道。 但歷經了93年艾利風災之重創後,凸顯了緊急醫療應變方面之諸多問題。而本研究藉由回顧緊急醫療救護體系的發展歷程與檢視執行現況,以新竹縣遭遇之艾利風災緊急應變為例,收集了相關的資料進行分類整理與探討,瞭解目前緊急醫療之現況與缺失。並以風險管理之概念發現問題與提出具體之建議,以期對相關單位於未來規劃緊急醫療政策及災害防救工作上有所助益,進而降低災害之損傷。 經由研究發現新竹縣之緊急醫療亟待改善者為:中央應針對公告警戒區域內避難疏散預警機制,訂定統一標準作業流程、加強土石流危險潛勢溪流部落疏散避難演練,並設置土石流觀測站或災害警報廣播器、海事衛星電話加強管理與運用颱風災害預防工作之落實、加強民眾之防災意識、強化各鄉鎮市災害應變中心之體制與功能、防救災資料庫之妥善運用、專責醫療顧問之設置、雙軌制救護之實施、全面性設置專責災難救護隊、急診醫療資源分布、災害發生前的疏散與安置問題、偏遠地區民眾緊急醫療救護訓練及建立緊急醫療救護與安置之標準作業流程等。本文針對以上問題除深入探討外,亦相對提出具體之建議,以期未來使新竹縣之緊急醫療救護系統更臻完善!




Abstract The purpose of the emergency medical service (EMS) is to provide immediate and proper medical services for patients suffering from disasters. EMS aims to improve patients’ health and well-being. The emergency medical system in Taiwan has been on track since 80s when it was established and the law for EMS was passed and implemented. The damage of Typhoon Aere in 1994, however, exposed the problem in the emergency medical operation. This case study focuses on the emergency medical operation during Typhoon Aere in Hsin-chu County by reviewing the development of the emergency medical system and examining the current operation. This study collects relative data for categorization and discussion in order to understand current condition and flaws. This study adopts risk management to find where the problem is and thus gives concrete advices. Hopefully, this study will help the authority with the future emergency medical policy and emergency response and rescue so that damage can be reduced. The result of this study shows several improvements that need to be done. First, The government should set alarm mechanism for evacuation in the alarm area. The government also needs to arrange evacuation practice for people living by dangerous rivers in case of


Emergency Medical System


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11. 行政院衛生署緊急醫療管理系統資料(2006)。
12. 新竹縣政府資料(2006)。
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