  • 學位論文


Design of Collaborative Activity and Groupware with Handheld Devices for Hearing Impaired Student

指導教授 : 劉寶鈞




Recently, computer science support learning has been considered good for hearing impaired students by many studies. Developing of mobile computer supporting collaborative learning is grown up. There are few studies combine with MCSCL and learning for hearing impaired student. This research designed a groupware and a learning activity for mobile computer supporting collaborative learning for hearing impaired students. The groupware is designed by four modules: comic module, scaffolding module, MCSCL module, and supervise module. We expect these modules can improve difficulties of hearing impaired students learning. In activity design, we confer the effect of “common focus” to the activity for hearing impaired students’ MCSCL. Finally, we implement a experiment to analyze, and propose some points for design collaborative activity and groupware with handheld devices for hearing impaired student.


MCSCL hearing impaired student groupware


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